The Palladium Sentry Returns





Metal footsteps clanked onto steel floor, sending echoes all the way down a long forgotten elevator shaft. A dark hand raised, pressing a series of buttons on a dingy control board. A pair of dirty glass panels slowly fused into a sealed door as cables whirred up above. The cage jerked once as engines came to life, before the elevator descended into the dark depths below. Only a pair of fluorescent light posts at the doorway offered any visibility. Staring forward, the visitor patiently waited to reach his destination.

November 30th, 2010. The Praetorians marched on Primal Earth, subduing heroes left and right. Their giant machines and advanced weaponry easily tore apart entire blocks of Paragon City within minutes, leaving ruin and chaos in their wake. Inspired to fight, many of Primal Earth's finest pushed the invaders back and even began taking the fight to Praetoria itself. One group, however, chose to stay behind.

The Palladium Sentry, lead by CEO of Palladium Inc. Brent Sheppard, a.k.a. The Knight Sentinel, firmly believed charity began at home. He did not want his organization stretched thin, pursuing this war when Primal Earth still faced too many of it's own crises and conflicts. This created tensions among the membership as some of the group's heroes were determined to face down the Tyrant and his Praetors. The Sentry's foundation was shaken and it's roster dwindled as those who sought to free the alternate dimension did so. This left behind Sheppard and a small handful of prominent allies, dedicated as ever to protecting Paragon City.

The elevator slowed before coming to a complete halt. The glass doors separated and metal footsteps were heard once more echoing through empty hallways. A thick layer of dust covered a wooden floor, cobwebs hung from the red brick walls, and the only light offered in the room was the blue glow that illuminated everything the visitor examined. He stared at a leather couch seated across from a small bar, then the television monitors that still hung from above the bar's wooden frame. He remembered they all would meet here frequently. Whether to chat, have fun, eat, or simply wind down. Turning around and surveying it all, the visitor could almost hear the echo of laughter and conversation once again.

September 13th, 2011. The Palladium Sentry still stood strong, despite it's dilemma involving the Praetorians. It's heroes basked in the victory of a successful triumph over evil yet again.

"Easiest way to beat any superhero? Monologue them to death." One man sitting at the bar joked, before biting into his food.

"I don't understand why they give those speeches. They make themselves vulnerable and waste everyone's time, including their own." Another hero added, leaning against a pillar with an open book in hand.

"Another mystery of life. I don't think we should complain, though. It makes our jobs much more simple." A third hero chimed in, sitting on a couch in the corner of the room.

The small gang conversed happily amongst themselves before an emergency broadcast blared on the television. Those within the room fell completely silent, unable to take their eyes off the scene that took place. The sky turned a dark orange as what seemed like an endless supply of meteors rained down from above. The camera caught sight of one meteor crashing into a skyscraper, shooting plumes of smoke and debris everywhere. As the smoke began to settle, the statue of the famous heroine Galaxy Girl could be seen watching as her city was ravaged.

His head sank for a moment before the visitor turned away from the dusty lounge. Pushing open a sliding glass door, the visitor peered into a large, dimly lit, white hallway. The only color offered was by the remains of potted plants and the black and cyan flags still hung from the walls. Stepping up to one, the visitor took a flag in his black, metallic hand. He stared up at the logo on the top; a picture of the world, the very thing they had sworn to protect.

September 13th, 2011. Gelatinous, multicolored alien creatures known as Shivans rose from the ashes of the ruined Galaxy City. Firing beams of energy and smashing everything in sight with stone fists, the invaders were focused on destroying anything and everything. Heroes dispatched in force, determined to save the day once more. Groups like the Freedom Phalanx and Longbow focused on defeating these Shivans and stopping Arachnos, who opted to take advantage of the chaos. Others, like the PPD or The Palladium Sentry, ensured as many people as possible were evacuated from the city.

The Knight Sentinel issued orders to his team, trying to get all citizens and injured heroes evacuated to Atlas Park. Time was not on their side, as the assault did not let up. But through it all, everyone involved persevered through the storm. As they assembled and prepared to escort a batch of refugees out of the city, the Sentry's members heard screams of distress in the distance. The Knight Sentinel leaped into action, ready to save the endangered citizens. He ordered his team to protect and guide those being moved to Atlas Park. Before setting off into the war zone, he promised his team he would return shortly.

The visitor relinquished his grip on the cloth, letting it flow freely once more. Turning around, he descended deeper into the abandoned headquarters. His visor cast it's blue light on the advanced teleporters lining the main hallway. The backup generator he installed didn't provide the amount of power necessary to bring these back online.

"Why didn't he use his teleporter?" The visitor silently thought to himself.

Turning once more, he fixed his sights on an office high above the floor. It's windows offered a grand view of the base in it's entirety. It once belonged to the Knight Sentinel.

September 27th, 2011. Weeks had gone by since the Galaxy City disaster. And yet, despite his claim, the Knight Sentinel never returned. His team searched all over the city's ruins, only to turn up empty handed. Their fearless leader was gone.

One of Palladium Inc.'s founders, a man named Wade Sutton, took over as CEO. He continued to finance the HOPE program, but without it's leader the Palladium Sentry soon dissolved. One by one it's heroes left, their morale shot and hope temporarily lost. The program soon cut funding to the group, abandoned the hotel in Founder's Falls the heroes' headquarters was hidden beneath, and focused all it's efforts on charity programs instead. The Palladium Sentry was no more.

His metallic footsteps continued to echo throughout the complex as the visitor made his way to the base's Operations Center. Booting up a small computer, the monitor's glow shown brightly through the darkened halls of the Palladium Sentry's long forgotten base. Typing away at the computer's keyboard, the visitor, a hero calling himself the Robot Ninja, worked furiously into the night. An empty base and his memories were the only company provided.






((nice write up ya go here Robot!))





- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



(Was wondering what happened. I had to leave for a month, and y'all just scattered to the four winds. Good to hear you're back!)

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"