


ok i'm finding SJ to be incredibly end draining and was thinking perhaps switching over to MA/DA if it was better.

any opinions? Pros/cons? Thoughts and comments welcomed.



Originally Posted by Lord_Sidious View Post
ok i'm finding SJ to be incredibly end draining and was thinking perhaps switching over to MA/DA if it was better.

any opinions? Pros/cons? Thoughts and comments welcomed.
I don't know if ma has a lower end cost but I do know that it has less aoe potential, no -res attack and no where to slot achiles heal those would be the cons compered to SJ



As far as end use goes, that's like trading a punch to the left testicle for one to the right. I love both sets, but end use is an issue for both.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




MA does better single target than SJ but the aoe is arguably worse. Dragon's tail is a lot more straightforward to use, basically, but spinning strikes is approximately as good, if fiddlier, and you also get sweeping cross. As someone with a purpled MA/DA and a number of purpled SJ scrappers and brutes I'd say I find MA to be the more natural pairing with dark armor. It doesn't matter when you break up your attacking to throw a fireball or a dark regen because there's no combo system pressure, for one thing. For another you just don't need as many attacks to make a good single target chain with MA. Storm kick is basically better than crushing uppercut but you get to use it every two seconds as opposed to every eight or nine. SJ requires what amounts to filler just to sustain your one really good single target attack as well as your aoe. Dragon's tail, again, works just peachy right out of the gate.

Honestly I was pretty enamored with SJ for a few months but now that the shine has dimmed slightly I think the main thing about it that beats MA is the fantastic animations and the fact that brutes get it. Oh, and it's a hell of a lot better for stalkers. It is not better for tankers or scrappers in most cases. Having said that, the difference between them is not incredibly substantial so whichever works better for your concept is perfectly fine. The thing is that they pretty much work about the same for many concepts so why not take the one that's a little stronger with a little less fooling around?

Oh right, but specifically about end draining? They're both complete beasts. As in, I had to go ageless on my MA/DA because cardiac would not have been enough. I feel that it's worth it though.