Support Core Embodiment- Says 12%, I get 6%?




I crafted the Support Core Embodiment. It says in the Detail Info that it gives 12% to everything listed, including Defense. However, when I glanced at my combat attributes, it says only 6% given to my Defense.

Did I read it wrong or did they screw up? Someone said that 12% probably was the listing for pets, since "Core" doubles for them but then why would the "Radial" list the same stats but 8%?



Well, people keep telling me that must be the listing for pets since pets get a double amount. Thing is, Radial Embodiment of tier 4 has the same listing in details and Core says nothing in the details about those being the stats granted to pets. Radial says 8% to Defense. Does anyone have Radial that can confirm what it gives them in combat attributes?



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Same here. Additionally, the 10% end redux is only 9.something%
Combat Attributes shows the "real" cost reduction to your powers - 10% endredux means your powers cost 1/(1+.1) = ~.909 as much, or .0909 less than normal, which is 9.09%. Or if you had a 100% endredux buff, Combat Attributes would say -50%. Unfortunately this is a near-useless number to display, since many of your powers are probably slotted with endredux already, so they will get a different amount of discount than what Combat Attributes says.

I cannot say for certain, but since Support Radial's only other advantage over Core is a larger radius, it seems probably intended that Core gives a smaller buff (6% vs 8%) to players in exchange for the larger buff (12% vs 8%) to pets. The detailed info should be clearer about it, though.



Yeah, I just learned this. Crafted the tier 4 Core... on my blaster. Sigh, I would have gone radial if I knew it was only 6% for the people that matter to me, player's characters, not their pets. A purple down the drain. It hurts, it hurts. Oh well, I'll just have to be sure to team with lots of MMs, controllers, and dominators I guess.

If the numbers inside are going to say 12%, then the description should not say it is doubled for pets but rather halved for players.

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Most of the values are less than advertised. The 2.5% End Reduction from Support Tier 1? It's 2.43%; not much lower, but something is awfully wrong with the math.

The only numbers that seem proper is the inherent +Dam inherent for slotting Assault(unless you right-click the power icon, it says less)

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Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
The 2.5% End Reduction from Support Tier 1? It's 2.43%; not much lower, but something is awfully wrong with the math.
*Points to Hopeling's post above*

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