Looking for a guide to making builds




Hi, I've been away about a year, and I'm looking for sort of...a concise guide to slotting, I guess. What I mean is, I used to know most of the important stuff, and I'd like to find a concise guide that covers the major topics and the math, without having to read through various build threads and specific archetype guides then go look up the term they mention, etc. If there isn't really one around, maybe I'll end up working up a cheat sheet of my own to work off of.

So far what I can think of that I need to remember/keep track of/think about while designing a build:

Rule of 5
What are the various soft cap #s and hard caps
Re: Resistance, defense, accuracy
Recharge %'s for various things one might want to keep always up
Where to put procs
the exemplar rules

Anything else anyone can think of to keep in mind, and anyone know a guide that covers them in moderate detail without going into specific builds or assuming you already know/remember what the terms mean?



Rule of 5 applies to set bonuses, if you have more than 5 of one set bonus...all of them after #5 don't work.

Soft Cap is 45% Def for regular 59% for incarnate

Scrapper Resist Cap is 75%/Brute 90%/Tank 95%

Accuracy doesn't have a cap to my knowledge but it's diminishing returns after you are at 95% to hit +4 NPCs after that more doesn't add anything

60% Global recharge usually gets Dull Pain permanent somewhere around 160% global makes Hasten permanent @ ED cap on the power...(3 L50 recharge redux IOs)

Procs go best in damage auras, short recharge powers, and AoEs...they work in any attack but you get more "bang for your buck" that way...per se.

IOs exemplar down to 3 below their level and stop working after that, except purples, they always work, and SBE's (store bought enhancements @ paragon market) exemp down to the minimum level that IO works at.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Thanks, here's what I've cribbed together so far from looking up various things:

Soft Cap is 45% Def for regular 59% for incarnate

The resist caps are 90% brute/tank 85% for Kheldians and 75% for all others

32% S/L/F/C/E/N def a small purple is practically a godmode

Incarnate softcap is 59%

Rule of 5, can only have 5 of any 1 set bonus

procs: performance shifter: stamina Miracle/Numina/Regen Tissue/Panacea: Heal Gaussian:Chance To

build: ?

damage procs/res debuff: best in damage auras, short recharge powers, and AoEs
ATO/market procs: 12+ seconds attacks (normalizing soon, maybe)

IOs exemplar down to 3 below their level and stop working after that, except purples, they always

work, and SBE's (store bought enhancements @ paragon market) exemp down to the minimum level that

IO works at.

BaseHitChance is 75%. If the target is below the player's level, add 5% to BaseHitChance per level

of difference. If the target is higher, BaseHitChance goes down by roughly 9% per level of

difference. It's not exactly 9% every single level, but it's close. An exact table of adjustments

is at the end of this article.

Accuracy is subtly different. It modifies an attack's chance of hitting by a fraction of itself

instead of by a fixed amount. Accuracy changes how often an attack hits in proportional terms

instead of absolute terms.

Example: Consider an unbuffed, unenhanced attack that hits 30% of the time. If it got a +50%

ToHit buff, its hit chance would rise to 80% (30 + 50). If it got a +50% Accuracy bonus instead,

its hit chance would only rise to 45% (30 + (50% of 30), which can also be written 30 × 1.5).

Accuracy is applied in a second step, after all ToHit and Defense modifiers are applied.