ATO placement




Hey gang!!

I'm slowly working through my 50s and incarnating them after returning a couple months ago after a three year break.

I've finished a brute (Adam Not So Quick), a Scrapper (Laney), and now it's time for Uncle Warshade. He's always been one of my favorite characters which is why I'm working on him so early on.

My question is this: Where is the best place to slot the ATO set...and in particular, the Form Empowerment one. I've been looking through the various builds here in this section of the boards and many I see are putting the Empowerment ATO in something like Glinting Eye, but then putting the other five in a more commonly used power. Is there a specific reason for this?

To give you a little background (which may or may not affect your suggestions), I Tri-Form pretty heavily. He does have a Human Only build, but that hasn't worked out too well so I mainly use his Tri-Form build which I prefer much more. I use Human form basically for the buffs (Eclipse, Mire) as well as to summon pets from all those dead bodies. Then, depending on the team needs I either go to Nova for ranged damage or Dwarf for some wanna-be-tankering/Scrappering.

Any advice on the Kheldian's Grace ATO set placement, and specifically the Empowerment Form ATO placement, would be greatly appreciated.

Happy M-F'ing WARSHADING!!!

*Edit*-In another person's build, I saw the "Chance For Buildup" proc slotted in the Nova Form power. Can anyone provide any info on this? Does it fire every X amount of seconds while in Nova form? Unsure of this...I had it on my Brute slotted in Gloom...but obviously Gloom and Nova are very different powers that function completely differently.

Main servers: Victory and Justice. Main account: @Justice29 Secondary account: @Clever One



Hey! You're from Victory too! I've seen you around

I created a thread for my PB build last week and the community was gracious enough to provide assistance.

I actually asked the same question about Chance for Buildup, you can see it and the responses I got HERE.

Personally, I 6-slotted a Superior set of Kheldian's Grace on my Nova cone attack (Bright Nova Scatter).

I also read someone's opinion that they would rather slot the Form Empowerment ATO on a power they don't use because they don't feel the bonus for the 6th enhancement is worth it.

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



I place 5 slots into my Nova cone power, and then the empowerment enhancement in the default nova bolt (weakest attack) slot.

The reasoning is that I DO want the 13% enhanced damage, but my PB is slot starved to hell. The 6-slot bonus just isn't worth it to me, when slots are at an absolute premium.

Regarding slotting the chance for build up in Nova...I don't do it as I have a pshifter proc there for increased endurance gain. It is something always useful, regardless of when the proc fires. If your chance to build up fires in a down time when you don't want it, it likely won't be up again when you DO want it.

Random but always beneficial > random and occasionally beneficial in my book.



Best placing ATOs is build dependent. The entire build matters. This is why people will of placed theirs in different powers yet still be right.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Alpha!!! Hey buddy! Good to see you!

I appreciate all the responses. So what I'm gathering is, as with many of the Kheld builds, do what works for you . I actually have more than just a base slot in Nova (don't hate) so I think I'll slap it in there and see how it works.

I also noticed on your build, Alpha, that you also have the Force Feedback +Recharge in the Nova form Detonation. I currently have it in one of the Nova single target blasts (put it there YEARS ago before my 3 year break), but I'm assuming that people are putting it in Detonation since it has a chance to fire off each hit target (with only one proc having a chance to fire at a time). When hitting big groups at a time that definitely makes more sense than where I currently have it. My thinking at the time was a faster recharging power would give it the opportunity to fire more often...but, when that longer recharging power has a chance to have it fire off of 10 or more baddies, then that's definitely the spot for it.

I think for the time being I'll slot 5 ATOs in the Nova cone attack with some type of proc as the sixth slot, put a Gaussian's Chance for Buildup in my Nova, and the Form Empowerment in Ebon Eye...since you get the bonuses from it regardless of where it's slotted. I'll move my Force Feedback to Detonation and call it a day!

Appreciate the feedback everyone. And Alpha...thanks much for the link. I'll see ya soon on some more iTrials!

Main servers: Victory and Justice. Main account: @Justice29 Secondary account: @Clever One