Staff/Fire Scrapper




I've been running a Staff/Fire Scrapper and I'm sitting at lvl 26 at the moment. I'm thinking of putting a decent amount of Inf into this toon but I'm not sure how to go about slotting since I've never run a /Fire Armor toon.

As for an Epic I'm thinking Pyre for concept reasons.

Anyone have any good build advice? I'm pretty much good for any build that doesn't have purples or PvP IO's. Although I may eventually acquire them.


@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




If you preclude purples that makes this a lot easier: staff is awesome if you want to build for typed defense. Specifically, using eradications and kinetic combats you can go big on s/l/e/n, the only types other than psi that tend to matter very much. Staff/fire in particular can slot five sets of KC and five sets of eradication easily, which should put you awfully close to the softcap depending on your other slotting choices. Other than that my advice is I suspect rather standard. You definitely want tough and weave, part of the beauty of staff is that form of the soul lets you go nuts with toggles. You probably don't need pyre mastery unless you're really married to the concept as staff is also huge on aoe and you get burn on top of that.