PERC Presents: A Victorious Spring Fling! Saturday 5/12 (Victory Server)




The Player Event Resource Committee Presents
A Victorious Spring Fling!
May 12th, starting at 6pm eastern in Pocket D

Hosted by @Madame Pistacio, @Medieval Power, and @Ice Knight

Come and join us for a night of Spring themed fun!

Events include costume contests, fun PvP fights, CoP, a lottery, and a hide and seek hunt.
Prizes amount to over 5 billion!

Quick Change Costume Contests - 6pm eastern

These costume contests will allow you 5 minutes to switch and assemble and only 5 minutes to judge and announce a winner. You may compete in as many categories as you wish, one entry per category. Males and Females will be judged independently.

6:00- Best Casual Wear
6:10- Best Formal Wear/Evening Attire
6:20- Best Swimwear/Beachwear
6:30- Best Origin Inspired Look
6:40- Best Animal Inspired Look
6:50- Best "Classic" Hero or Villain Look


There will be 2 winners for each category, 1 Male and 1 Female. Honorable mentions will be given at the judges' discretion.

Per Category, per winner: 50 million inf
Honorable mentions: 10 million inf

Spring Shenanigans - 7pm eastern

Meet at the Pocket D arena and then be transported to the park in Striga for some fun Spring Shenanigans! We'll have two ten minute level five PvP fights! Everyone will get a chance to win a prize just for participating, but the player(s) with the most points in each round will win specific prizes. A natural level 5 is not required, players may exemp. Travel suppression will be turned off.

Prizes (per round)

1st Place: 150 million inf
2nd Place: 100 million inf
3rd Place: 75 million inf

Random IO prizes for participation!

Spring Hide and Seek - 7:45pm eastern

Starting in Pocket D, Madame Pistacio will give you a clue, find the next hidden PERC member to get your next clue. Remember what you see and hear (and who you talk to!), because you never know what might be important to win! (The Hide and Seek will go though hero zones, so you will need to be a Hero, Vigilante, or Rogue to participate)


1st Place: 500 million inf
2nd Place: 250 million inf
3rd Place: 100 million inf

Random IO prizes for participation!

Spring Fever in the Cathedral - 9pm eastern

Join in for first a hero/vigilante Cathedral of Pain followed by the villain/rogue version. Please be level 35+. Level 50s with incarnate abilities are preferred. We will meet at the base portal in Pocket D.

*Note if more than 24 players want to join, we will run two rounds.

Victory Spring Lucky Duck Lottery!
(after CoPs, approximately 10pm)

Stick around in your best spring attire for a chance to win one of numerous prizes! If you participated in other portions of the event then you have a chance to win. But keep your eyes open, answering a question or performing a task might net you an even bigger prize! Will you keep the prize you win or trade it for the unknown?

*Please PM Madame Pistacio with questions about this event

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



This event is tomorrow night Hope to see lots of people there! These prizes are burning a hole in my cape!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Will be there!

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



This event was a lot of fun tonight! Thank you so much, PERC. An extra hat tip to Madame Pistacio for excellent showmanship, moving things quickly, AND keeping up with /tells!

A few pictures for those who couldn't make it. (Click on images for full size.)

I logged on after the Quick Change Costume Contest and then was too busy laughing while getting my tail handed to me during the Spring Shenanigans PVP to get screenshots.

The Spring Hide And Seek segment was well planned. I got lost a couple times, but Madame Pistacio's kind encouragement finally got me through it.

My hide-and-seek notes were...

PERC treasure hunt

1) Madame Pistacio (herself): To walk the earth is not so fun, no wonder why he's bleak, your quest has only just begun, to Halloween land- go and seek! (hint, badge)

Conclusion: Grim Wanderer badge in north Croatoa

2) Fervent One (Back Alley Brawler):  At the start there are 5 of these, but only 1 you pick, so see the big cheese, of the one called Genetic

Conclusion: G.I.F.T. (Genetic Investigation and Facilitation Team) in City Hall, Atlas Park

3) Nox Fura (Sister Psyche):  He bites, he snarls, don't be afraid, underground you need to find and see, perhaps make him choke with a smoke grenade, and this pup will let you be.

Misguessed: Wardog in Underground Imperial

Madame Pistacio hinted that no Going Rogue zones are used.

Conclusion: The Wolf's Throad in Striga Isle

4) Viola Rosa (Luminary):  They're big and mean, so make a scene, surrounded by water no land in sight, to conquer these beasts will take a fight! (and you might get an EoE!)

Misguessed: Tempest Quay in Peregrine Island*

Misguessed: Ophelia's Final Scene in Perez Park

Misguessed: Scylla Island in Talos Island

Gave up.  Oh, well!

Madame Pistacio gave answer: Monster Island in Peregrine Island.  *Finally found him on the SE edge of the south Tempest Quay island after re-circling the monster island NE of the main island and all the other islands in Tempest Quay.

5) Egregious (Synapse):  Don't go to a tavern, just find the man, who shows you the cavern, the mystic will introduce you right to his hand.

Conclusion: Talshak the Mystic in The Hollows

6) Spectral Rage (Mynx):  Beyond Atlas they dwell in hoards, stealers of flesh and terrors of night, through the grates over the boards, like death from below but not quite. 

Conclusion: Atlas Park Gate in Sewer Network

7) Futoji Miyo (Malaise):  When Rikti are caught, they bring them here, for insight is sought, a surgical center then to the rear.

Conclusion: Vanguard Compound in Rikti War Zone

8) Phantoms Opera (Dark Watcher):  Go back to the start, but into the cage, bestill your heart, the monkeys do rage!

Conclusion: Monkey Fight Club in Pocket D

9) Madame Pistacio (herself):  Now tell me friend, who did you see? I need their names one and all, then you will win the prize grandly!

Final Conclusion: 1) Madame Pistacio (herself), 2) Fervent One (Back Alley Brawler), 3) Nox Fura (Sister Psychic), 4) Viola Rosa (Luminary), 5) Egregious (Synapse), 6) Spectral Rage (Mynx), 7) Futoji Miyo (Malaise), 8) Phantoms Opera (Dark Watcher), and last but not least 9) Madame Pistacio (herself)


My alt wasn't high enough level to join the Spring Fever in the Cathedral runs, so I spent the time talking to Trina in the Tiki Lounge to tweek my spring dress design.

The night rounded out with the Victory Spring Lucky Duck Lottery! It was fun deciding to keep the prize, blindly try an alternative, or (if the alternative was sub-stellar) do a little song and dance to trade for something better. I believe Madame Pistacio made sure everyone got something.

This in spite of the inevitable minor griefing with spammed group buffs, Ouroboros portal, and huge Team Transporter summon.

Thank you again, Madame Pistacio and PERC, for a great event!



Thank you so much for the incredible recap!!! The event was a blast! Thank you so much to all who participated!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover