Rapid form shifting?




I didn't check this out on Beta, but it doesn't look like shifting to Nova or Dwarf on my WS is "instant". Dropping out of form back to human has always felt instantaneous, so when I saw the announcement about no delay in shifting into form, I was expecting to be able to hit the form-shift and a power to execute immediately. I don't think that's happening, it feels like there is still the delay in the animation to become lobster/squiddy.
I don't have an binds that combine a form-shift with a power, so I maybe powers can execute directly after the form-shift button has been mashed.
What say you all?



Ok, thanks. I thought it was going to be live with i23, and I thought i23 was live.
Any estimate on when it will go live?
On Beta, is the shift from human to form as rapid as the current shift from form to human?



I23 most certainly has not gone live. I would guess it won't go live until after the Nemesis event ends. But that's pure conjecture. The mechanics of the shift will be instant in I23. The animation won't be. What that means is you are immediately able to use the powers in the form while the animation plays. For example you could shift into Black Dwarf and immediately hit Mire. The power will fire off while the form shift animates. That's how I understand it at least.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian