WTB L53 (Synthetic) Nucleoluses, Cyto, Membrane, Ribo
unfortunately, there is no such thing as a level 53 synthetic. the bug that was used to create these only worked toward non-synthetics from the Hamidon over 16 issues ago.
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Ah. I think someone had said something about the LRSF having a bug for a while that created some. I don't know; I actually have several 53s I got myself sidekicking hami raids back in the day, but no synthetics.
unfortunately, there is no such thing as a level 53 synthetic. the bug that was used to create these only worked toward non-synthetics from the Hamidon over 16 issues ago.
Anyhow, as long as they're 53, either one is fine!
nopers- there was a huge bug during RSF where you could go to Warburg with your rewards open and if selected in there, it'd create a 52 synthetic- but no 53's. I have a handful of 53's but wish I had more. good luck, cheers!
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Still looking for these.
Offering 2B at the moment each. Drop me a pm or a line on @plasma