Let me give away my Paragon Reward Tokens.

Draeth Darkstar



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
The guy at the Player Summit asking about trading tokens between his two accounts made me realize that this idea is brilliant.
Brilliant? MOI? COOL!

I was just shy of Tier 9 when Freedom launched, and after ten months worth of buying goodies, I have reward tokens coming out my eyeballs.

Let me give my excess tokens away. My fiancée would be giddy if she suddenly had Celestial Armor when logging in one day, and I'm sure there are plenty of people with multiple accounts who'd love the feature, too.

It could even be limited to T9 VIPs as another feature of the subscription, and as a method of preventing exploitative behavior with low-tier VIP Bundle accounts or other similar things being created for their tokens.
While being able to trade them to any and all would be nice. It would be a MONSTROUS can of worms (and exploitable as ****). This is also the same reason why they're deathly afraid of allowing gifting of things like Paragon Points. The book keeping for a system like that would be nightmarish.

And what happens if someone gives someone thousands of points, changes their mind, then says "My account was raided! I want my points back!"

And, what do they do when someone's account IS "legitimately" raided for this?

This is SPECIFICALLY why I said "between two game accounts on the same master account". Because, that way, they KNOW that the same party is paying for all the stuff. There's no possibility that they're going to be abused. And Paragon has gotten their money, one way or another.

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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
This sounds like a bunch of coding work with no financial return. Where is the profit in this?

They're not going to simply leave their accounting system alone and never improve it again.

If, in the course of the ongoing work, they happen to figure out how to allow a master account to shuffle Reward Tokens, that'd rule.

I just wanted to plant the idea in their heads so that, if the opportunity DOES present itself, they have some incentive to recognize it and possibly implement.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
It's perfectly clear that both you and I were talking about other people in general and not you or anyone else as a specific individual.
Sorry, your intent missed me. It's been a long couple weeks.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Brilliant? MOI? COOL!
While being able to trade them to any and all would be nice. It would be a MONSTROUS can of worms (and exploitable as ****). This is also the same reason why they're deathly afraid of allowing gifting of things like Paragon Points. The book keeping for a system like that would be nightmarish.

And what happens if someone gives someone thousands of points, changes their mind, then says "My account was raided! I want my points back!"

And, what do they do when someone's account IS "legitimately" raided for this?

This is SPECIFICALLY why I said "between two game accounts on the same master account". Because, that way, they KNOW that the same party is paying for all the stuff. There's no possibility that they're going to be abused. And Paragon has gotten their money, one way or another.
While I agree that trading between a master account only is inherently easier on the bookkeeping staff, this also introduces undesirable aberrant behaviors to the system, like groups of friends/spouses/families/etc all wanting to put their game accounts on the same Master account, which is bad (and probably against the EULA/TOS).
While it would probably cause problems less frequently, the problems it would cause would be much more convoluted to deal with (such as when someone inevitably wants out of the "group" account).

I don't think transaction reversals would be that difficult in case someone really got hacked (in That Other Game with Millions More Subscribers Than We Have, they've practically made a science out of it due to the vast numbers of phishing scams directed at That Game), and I also feel that restricting it to T9 VIPs would be a pretty effective limitation on the exploitability of such a system.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.