Any thoughts on tweaking Claws/DA build?




Back again after another hiatus, dusting off the Claws/DA brute. I see there are now ATOs, and am just in time for the new upcoming Incarnate slot.

Was mucking around in Mid's, this is what I ended up with. This isn't a huge departure from the build I have now, I think it has a bit more damage, and a wee bit more defense.

And please, no commenting on expense or any of that, I already have 4 of the 6 ATOs and 3 of em are purple, I already have everything else in the build IOwise, and the Incarnate slots are what I have slotted currently.

Really I am just looking for another pair of eyes to look for any glaring holes. And no, I did not forget OG or CoF, I hate both of them.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Um, theres no build for us to look at.



weird, knew i pasted it, ah well

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.954

Click this DataLink to open the build!

beelzebadger: Level 50 Magic Brute
Primary Power Set: Claws
Secondary Power Set: Dark Armor
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Strike -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(43), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(43), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45), T'Death-Dam%(46)
Level 1: Dark Embrace -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(3), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(3), RctvArm-ResDam(39)
Level 2: Slash -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(19), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(21), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(21), Achilles-ResDeb%(46), T'Death-Dam%(46)
Level 4: Murky Cloud -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(5), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(5), RctvArm-ResDam(50)
Level 6: Spin -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(7), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(7), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(9), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(11), Oblit-%Dam(11)
Level 8: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(9), Zephyr-ResKB(40)
Level 10: Obsidian Shield -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), S'fstPrt-ResKB(13), GA-3defTpProc(13)
Level 12: Follow Up -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(15), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(15), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(17), Rec'dRet-ToHit/Rchg(17), Rec'dRet-ToHit(19)
Level 14: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Dark Regeneration -- Theft-+End%(A), Theft-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(25), Theft-Heal/Rchg(25), Nictus-Heal/HP/Regen/Rchg(27), Nictus-Acc/EndRdx/Heal/HP/Regen(50)
Level 18: Focus -- Decim-Acc/Dmg(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx(23), Decim-Dmg/Rchg(23), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(27), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29)
Level 20: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(31), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(31), RctvArm-ResDam(39)
Level 22: Weave -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(31)
Level 24: Death Shroud -- Erad-Dmg(A), Erad-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), Erad-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Erad-Dmg/Rchg(34), EndRdx-I(40)
Level 26: Eviscerate -- SBrutesF-Acc/Dmg(A), SBrutesF-Dmg/Rchg(34), SBrutesF-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), SBrutesF-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(36), SBrutesF-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(36), SBrutesF-Rech/Fury(36)
Level 28: Maneuvers -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(33), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(37)
Level 30: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(37), RechRdx-I(39)
Level 32: Super Jump -- Jump-I(A)
Level 35: Cloak of Darkness -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(42), Krma-ResKB(42)
Level 38: Soul Transfer -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 41: Superior Conditioning -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(42), P'Shift-EndMod(43)
Level 44: Physical Perfection -- Mrcl-Heal(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+(45), P'Shift-End%(45)
Level 47: Shockwave -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(48), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(48), Posi-Dmg/Rng(48), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50)
Level 49: Taunt -- Empty(A)
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
Level 0: Task Force Commander
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(29), P'Shift-EndMod(37), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(40)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Fury
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Obsidian Shield is one of Dark's biggest strengths...not slotting it well is a waste.

Split the Superior Brute Set into 2 groups of 3 and replace a set of Kinetic Combat, save some slots and put them into obsidian...even if you only slot 2 generic 50 +res IO's

In Evis put 3 Erads or Oblits in the other 3 slots...(see what bonuses you like better)

I would steal 1 slot from Follow Up and put 3 Brute ATO's in it, leave the 2 RR's in with them...

Stamina is way could rob 3 slots there and use them elsewhere, leave the perf shift proc and maybe the end mod if you think you need it...spread the other slots around (atleast 1 or 2 in Obsidian Shield IMHO)

The Pshift proc in superior conditioning isn't helping you...Superior Conditioning adds to Max End, so you want a steady number in there...try 2 (boosted) level 50+5 generic End Mod IO's in there and save a slot to use elsewhere...

Death Shroud Benefits greatly from 6 slotting MultiStrike, and it will seriously cure some of your end issues on top of adding Def bonuses.

You could (add a slot and) put a LotG Def/End in Weave to cut down on end consumption as well...

I normally slot Combat Jumping with a LotG +rech and that's it...I think you overslotted, but to each their own.

I would go Agility tier 4 Core Alpha slot on this build and see what you think...I think you would be surprised how many slots you can save...the 45% endurance/ 33% Recharge/ 20% Defense enhancement will make worlds of difference. It seriously did on my Kat/Dark Brute...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



i do like the idea of going with agility in the alpha. changing the slotting that much ends up costing a good bit of end recovery and a good bit of total hp. may reslot death shroud, adding slots to obsidian shield doesnt yield as much you would think.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.