FREEDOM Style series




Hey all. I made an announcement early last month that I would be starting a series of re-writes in the MA, based on the old unconnected core story arcs that gave so much information into the history of this world we live in (when we log into City of, that is )

I want to say first of all, that I really appreciate the support of the few folks that ran my "001-Bonefire: FREEDOM Style" arc gave me, and that at the beginning of this month I had planned to introduce "002(A)-The Clockwork Captive" with Carla Brunelli as the next installment. Unfortunately, I had finished it, but before I published it my computer got sick (a virus).

I just got my computer from the shop this afternoon, unfortunately, the nature of the virus called for a full factory re-install, and that arc (and the following "002(B)-The Mind of a King" that I'd already started on) were lost. For that, I apologize. You couldn't begin to get how heartsick that realization was to me when I found out.

I WILL re-write them, but that means that my FREEDOM Style arcs are going to take another month to produce, but I promise that I will re-write them and by next month you'll learn what it means for a community to stick together and help a hero get to the bottom of a poor man's distress!

Watch for it!

Again, thanks to those few that supported the first one. I will get the next one out as soon as I can get it re-written (even if it's before the end of the month- I'll do what I can in my spare time to get this one and the next one out by the end of the month if I can help it)!!!


"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



And now you've learned about backups (and not having them.)

Save your work to a flash drive. Or, if you think you'll lose that, the free backup services (like dropbox or are *more* than big enough to save the text files. (You can fit a lot of 110k files in 2 Gb.)



Funny thing is, I usually do. I have quite a few that I discovered I still have from the last transfer off my old comptuer from about a year ago (that doesn't save the loss of my current projects unfortunately). In fact, most of my personal files (not programs, but pictures, music, etc) are on a remote drive, more because I'm lazy and never really 'moved in' to the new computer. I just keep a link to my remote drive on the desktop and use that like most people use their personal folder.

Unfortunately, City of * doesn't allow for a change in where I store my AE files at, and when I got that bug, my computer crashed hard, so I couldn't get to them.

Anyway, I was only working ahead on 3 of the new arcs in the series, and only one complete; the other two had only framework and a little setup, but mostly bare bones work, so it could have been a lot worse. Just going to be a setback is all, and wanted to keep folks who are interested informed.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.