Arc #543042 "The Hellish Crusaders"
I tried it. I hate to be brutal but I want to be honest so you can improve it.
I only played through most of the first mission before I gave up.
I don't know what the purpose of the arc is. There was no real story - just there's a bunch of bad guys go fight them. No mention that they had a plan, that they had done bad things in the past. Nothing to make it seem more worth my time to go fight them then anybody else.
the first mission is a defeat all. Never use a defeat all, it basically says there is no real mission or story. It is also really annoying to have to defeat all.
the first mission was on a huge and complicated Orabenga map. I like Orabenga. But a defeat all in Orabenga is pretty much the biggest do not do in the game. People complain bitterly when the devs do it. Why such a big map? Since there are no details in it, there is no reason to have a large map unless you just want lots of fighting.
There are no details in the mission, just random spawns. This made the mission very dull. I fought the same 3 minions over and over again with an occasional lt. It needs some NPC dialog, some other details - a defeat object with them praying over an altar, something.
The Lt's were generally good looking. The black minion with shield looked good. The roman looking minion was too dark to see detail on his outfit. Try switching to red with dark trim, he just looked like a blob. The grey minion was dull, needed details.
If you want hellish crusaders you need details to the characters besides plain armor. The Lt's had them. The minions should as well - horns, horned feet, fiery eyes.
Make the minions look cool like the lt's.
Write a more menacing story intro.
Switch to a much smaller map and give a goal like defeat leader rather than defeat all.
Add in a couple of optional objectives in the mission that let you set the NPC emotes and dialog
"The Hellish Crusaders"
Author: @VoodooGirl
This is an arc I wrote years ago that I recently decided to unpublished and do some light polishing - mostly revamping the enemy group look, updating some costumes and increasing the difficulty of the enemies. The arc probably needs some story reworking and feedback would be appreciated.
Thank You!