Bombs 101 - How to blow yourself up.

Blood Red Arachnid



Step 1 - Do pretty much ANY mission in the game that involves bombs.
Step 2 - Blow yourself up.

This has been a huge gripe of mine for ages. Any time you set a bomb, you forget to include a detonator, or a timer, or anything. You just hook the explosives to the battery, or light a 1/8" fuse or whatever and BOOM! it blows up in your face.

Yeah, the damage is incredibly minor, and you have to stand in it for a really long time to die from it, if you ever do, but it's just downright insulting. And it happens almost every time you set a bomb.

Mayhem Arson Side-missions - Blow yourself up.
Operative Kuzmin - Blow yourself up.
Lt. Harris - Blow yourself up.
Max - Blow yourself up - TWICE.

Seriously, can we stop assuming that all of our heroes and villains are too stupid to not blow up the bombs while they're still in their hands? Please?




Well, for the indestructible it isn't painful so for them it is like a rollercoaster ride. For the others... well... it isn't common superhero knowledge to know how to make a bomb. All they see is an LCD clock and a bunch of wires and some cop on the phone going "CUT THE GREEN ONE!" while they go "THEY'RE ALL GREEN!".

Boom Shaka laka!

But seriously yeah this does get annoying. Something else I find a bit annoying is when a destructible object on the map causes an explosion that does a lot of damage, but there's no indication that it will do so. Then you are suddenly flying across the room at 1/10th your health.

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I hate non-combustible, ostensibly non-explosive objects that nonetheless explode when you finish beating on them. Why did that reliquary explode when I was done punching it?

I despise objects that, when they explode (no matter whether it's sensible that the explode, or whether a sane person would have knowingly exploded them at point-blank range), they proceed to push you for yards and yards. They don't knock you away, they slowly repel you from the point of the blast. That mechanic does nothing but irritate the living crap out of me every time I experience it. Sure, blowing me up can be very frustrating, but repelling me down the hall or road for five seconds after the explosion? That infuriates me.

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