City Status v1.0 for iOS




Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
Thank you for this. I've hear it aint easy or cheap going through itune's store hoops.
The process of setting up the Developer account is actually fairly straightforward. It was actually easier than setting up an Android developer account (although that was only because Google's site crapped out on Opera, and it took me a while to realize that).

Setting up the specific application's profile took a bit of effort, since you need to generate a certificates for development/production and all sorts of related things. Nothing too bad, but a bit confusing your first time through (out of date documentation didn't help...). Fortunately, Apple's API docs are top notch, having a massive amount of info.

At this point, I'm about 95% of the way done with the code for the app itself. A few bits of the network code still needs to be done, but it's largely dependent on finishing up the development of the server, which is ~60% done. Switching between Objective-C and Go is messing with my mind... While they're both Object Oriented languages, they go about it in completely different ways... Objective-C is a mix of C and Smalltalk, while Go... does OO without classes, being centered around interfaces instead (and no end of line characters!).

If I can find the time (you know, instead of playing CoH, or following the forums... oh, and, you know, everything else ), I shouldn't take too much longer to finish this version up.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!