Primary for Dark Assault




I have a concept for a /dark dom from another Dimension but the primary is kind of lose, Dark/ would fit but I'm leaning more towards fire/. Is there any special synergies between dark/dark? Or is fire/ better than dark/? Or should I just pick whichever one sounds better?



Dark/Dark has a bit of synergy in the fact that it stacks -to-hit debuffs, but that isn't a huge deal. More like icing on the cake of two very well designed powersets that each work well in their own right.

Fire Control is probably going to give you better damage output than Dark Control, at the cost of somewhat weaker control/debuff in my opinion. Dark Assault plays very nicely in melee range with a great PBAoE and two great melee attacks, so you could put Hot Feet to good use (once you've got the tools to survive being in melee range, that is).

Really, there's no overwhelming reason to choose one over the other, as far as I can see. Go with what works for you.



Originally I was going down the same path as you it just looked like fire/dark would synergize a bit more than dark/dark. I especially did not like the slightly longer animation on the single target hold and still don't (but its not bad so far in game).

Then I saw the animation for possesion and there is no going back. I have never been a big fan of confusion powers but the cool swirling 3 fireballs and then your possesed mob turns black like a living shadow with glowing eyes. Just wow, the animation team hit a home run on this power.

Also as a long time closet freak for dark blast the combo of teneberous tentacles and nightfall does a suprising amount of aoe damage if you proc out tentacles. I am not sure if they intended to or not but the dark/ aoe immobilize lets you put in a the same types of procs and is a wider deeper cone than tentacles with the same animation cast time, shorter recharge timer but more endurance cost. It still needs some frankenslotting to drop the endurance cost but this could dramatically up the aoe potential of this toon beyond what many are stating it to be currently.

I am still too low to verify whether or not the procing scheme of dark control immobilize works or not but am fairly confident this is going to be a big boon to the dark/dark combo in particular. Especially if the cones match up better in shape and dimension, this has long been my beef with dark blast. I am one happy little gamer so far!



Sounds like I should be trying both Fire/dark and Dark/Dark! This issue is not helping my alting problems, I'll start with fire/dark but I'll keep my eyes on this thread to see if anyone has a different opinion.
I like more damage, I just hope that my plant/fire hasn't ruined all other doms for me as I've heard it could do.



Originally Posted by AshWind View Post
I am still too low to verify whether or not the procing scheme of dark control immobilize works or not but am fairly confident this is going to be a big boon to the dark/dark combo in particular. Especially if the cones match up better in shape and dimension, this has long been my beef with dark blast. I am one happy little gamer so far!
The immobilize is very wide, but Nightfall is very narrow. Same length on both, I think.

Proc'ing out the immobilize will probably add some decent damage, assuming you use it a lot. I'm actually skipping the immob and focusing on Engulfing Darkness and the Fire Mastery epic pool for my AoE damage. I don't find the immob to be that useful when I've already got 3 other, more powerful AoE controls, and stun wander doesn't bother me as much as some people.

EDIT: Also wanted to add, the AoE immobilize has a lower base damage scale than Tenebrous Tentacles, I believe, so that's a strike against it as well.



See I actually saw the lower base damage as a benefit, now you have to proc it out if your going to use it. I like to run tentacles with 4 damage procs and a couple acc/dam combos, I intend to switch those for acc/end from immobilize if available.

I just like the options its going to provide:
1) aoe from range immobilize/nightfall (which also coincides with the cone fear too)
2) Aoe up close engulfing shadows/immobilize.

The cone is wide enough you can use it from fairly close in and get 80% of most spawns. I am comfortable moving back and forth to setup the dark blast cones, this just makes it much easier and smoother game play.

The other nice thing this is aoe you are getting very early. I use those dam/rech/proc things they give us with modest results. Pure damage procs work alot better in my tentacles, I am hoping that is due to a difference in %chance and not in enhancement mechanics.

Again too early to confirm but I like the potential alot.

All that said the Fire/dark with hotfeet and engulfing darkness seems sweet. The added benefit of smoke becoming a much more useful power due to the synergy as well. Gosh now I want to make one of these now!