New to Scrappers. MA/???




Originally Posted by KillerShrike View Post
So...I could go on, but it's all pretty subjective. Both sets are good; I recommend you play the one that feels best to you.
Thank you for offering your perspective - StJ really does fit the character better, which is why I re-made the character in the first place. Prior to posting my question, I was out of the game for several months, and I think my "rustiness" with CoH was affecting my perception of StJ when I climbed back into the cockpit. Now that I've taken the time to fix/complete some of her IO sets and get her defenses up to par, and have spent some time getting back into the combo system swing, I feel better about the decision to roll with StJ.

I like MA, I think it looks great with SD, and I miss having Build-Up+Shield Charge, but I've always been a little dishearten by the fact that the set's top tier power is considered, by a lot of people, skippable. I've always taken Eagle Claw for the EC+DT combo, but it's still unfortunate that the power is so questionable.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



It's also worth noting that with a cone and TAoE (Yes TARGETED Area of Effect) Stj has more AoE potential, and being able to slot a TAoE attack adds some nice slotting opportunities.

And MA does have Build Up, it's just called 'Focus Chi'. Combat Readiness, it should be noted, only boosts your damage by 62.5% compared to 100% like Build Up, but grants you an instant Level 3 Combo Level. CR + Crushing Uppercut = OUCH.



Ugh, this just reinforces my decision to Make a StJ stalker over MA or Dark. Since I like Dark I'm going with both StJ and Dark...MA seems nice on paper but it's smashing...and smashing isn't as bad as lethal but there's a reason why I sometimes don't like playing my Nin/Nin stalker.