Propel request.




I have had a gravity controller since the game came out. I love that toon. I do not have any active builds with propel.
You may or may not ask why. The answer is simple. I don't like the fact that using it for any length of time makes the map you're on look (as team mates have commented) like a redneck yard sale.
I did test out the new changes to propel and love them. My request is something I think could be simple to do. Make the projectile disintegrate on impact.

Thanks for your time.




Go to the graphics and audio tab of your options and turn off particle physics. Projectiles from Propel will then break on contact and not litter the map, nor will spent shell casings from AR characters or the leaves that fall from some trees. Granted, this does prevent you from playing the "See how many leaves I can collect in my Singularity" game in Cimerora, but if you get bored enough to do that you can always turn it back on temporarily.

Also, I love your username.

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Thanks for the suggestion (and the name comment ). I think that I had considered that at one point, but wouldn't that turn off all the shiny cool effects? I like living in the maxed out (as much as I can) graphics zone.



No. Particle Physics only affects solid objects that drift around the screen. All the shininess and glowing are controlled by the Shader Quality, Environment Reflections, and Water Effects settings, and the effect particles from powers like Fire and Energy Blast that are only flashy and not persistent objects on the screen are controlled by the Particle Count slider. They are not influenced by any physics engine.

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Ok I tested it and its not so bad. I really don't mind less clutter on my screen as long as the rest of it looks good. But.... the rain in the statesman death scene, and a few other places if I remember correctly. That would be ok too? It's not one of those drifting things? You rock and thanks for your suggestion.



I believe that the rain follows the same behavior as power animations. Particle physics is basically the control for "How realistically do you want to be able to kick objects around the screen," and because the rain is not affected by contact with players or other effects like getting caught in Singularity it ought to be fine.

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Thanks much. I may have to start actually using my primary attack again thanks to you.



You're welcome

I've always been a Gravity enthusiast as well, and because I play from the computational equivalent of a 1960s Volkswagen Beetle I have had to familiarize myself with what all the graphical settings do, so I can turn off as much as possible without making my game look too awful. Happy to help.

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