Some friendly advice from expert tri forms please




Hello all...i know you might be thinking oh jeez another one of these, heres my problem. im a returning player who has played off and on since 07' and have allways stayed red side, reading about kheldians has me very interested in rolling one. i have read several diffrent guides a few times and it is very overwhelming.

Im looking for some one who can really help me here with a soloable tri form build and rotation, i work night during peak hours and have only 1 day off sometimes 2 so when i do play it is not very team friendly hours.. thats the reason for a soloable build i like running +2-+4/+8 i love corruptors and MM's so thats my sort of playstyle.

As far as the build containing purple sets or very high priced enchancments i dont mind, it actually gives me something to work for....but if i could get away with out them the better
so if some one wouldnt mind helping me with a tri form build and rotation i would greatly appreciate it thank you and have a great day

also forgot to mention it will be the WS one not the PB



Thanks for that info stone i will be sure and look over it and learn what i can.....another thing is human/dwarf form even viable if i decide to go that route?? and is there any cons too that sort of build ?



Originally Posted by carbine34 View Post
Thanks for that info stone i will be sure and look over it and learn what i can.....another thing is human/dwarf form even viable if i decide to go that route?? and is there any cons too that sort of build ?
Read my guide, The MFing Warshade. Yes, tri-forming it is very viable.

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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Well if you are going to do x8's than i suggest getting nova too it helps between recharge of quasar to get rid of minions and some liuets than u can drop to human or dwarf and take out remaining ones. Otherwise while leveling i find that human/dwarf duo is much more eaiser to play out but thats personal taste.