Because I want to know...




the answer to that oft repeated question within superhero circles.

Specifically, I want to know the answer as it relates to my toons.

Who would win in a fight between AIB and Serene Servant?

AIB (with most recent build +5 enhancement boosted out)

Serene Servant (with most recent build +5 enhancement boosted out)

Regarding the fight structure...

Three 5 minute rounds with the following characteristics...

Round 1 - 1 vs 1 (No minions spawn next to Opponents at beginning of round)

Round 2 - 1 vs 1 (3 minions spawn next to Opponents at beginning of round)

Round 3 - 1 vs 1 (3 minions spawn next to Opponents each minute of round)

(Assume equal skill level of the person controlling the toons)

Who gets the most KOs?



... the Monkey.

Be Well!



Pretty sure the PB wins in PVP every time. Warshades are meant for PVE.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Pretty sure the PB wins in PVP every time. Warshades are meant for PVE.
Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
The PB.
I've bounced it around for awhile...Here is what I am thinking....

Round 1 definitely PB (Inner Light + Light Form + self heals) WS gets beatdown

Round 2 WS gets eclipse and a little bit of a damage increase at start...and an EE...PB kills EE and proceeds to beatdown WS

Round 3 PB keeps killing EEs when WS summons them and pounds away WS

PB ftw...

But...What would be the tipping point though? How many enemies and how regularly would they have to pour in to turn the tide in favor of the WS?




Originally Posted by AIB View Post
I've bounced it around for awhile...Here is what I am thinking....

Round 1 definitely PB (Inner Light + Light Form + self heals) WS gets beatdown

Round 2 WS gets eclipse and a little bit of a damage increase at start...and an EE...PB kills EE and proceeds to beatdown WS

Round 3 PB keeps killing EEs when WS summons them and pounds away WS

PB ftw...

But...What would be the tipping point though? How many enemies and how regularly would they have to pour in to turn the tide in favor of the WS?

Not sure what the effect of DR would be on Mires/Eclipse and whether it's practical for a Warshade to even get a large scale benefit from using them in PVP.

For what it's worth, I also don't think "what would win in lolpvp" is the best way to judge which of any characters are more effective. I think it would be a more interesting experiment to set up a map in AE for each damage type (one map all smashing, one all lethal, one all energy, one all negative energy, one all fire, one all cold, one all toxic and one all psi enemies,) run on 54x8 on both the Warshade and Peacebringer, tally up average time of completion and average deaths per map, and see which comes out with the better time average and which with the least amount of average defeats per map. My money is on the Warshade by a longshot.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post

But...What would be the tipping point though? How many enemies and how regularly would they have to pour in to turn the tide in favor of the WS?


The tipping point is a mythical one, there would be no fair fight. To create a fair enough fight you would probably need to resort to Novas. Each character better functions under differing circumstances. People may want their PBs to rely on disorientating as well as a WS and play them almost the same way but in the end by doing that there would be a level of redundancy to WS.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
...For what it's worth, I also don't think "what would win in lolpvp" is the best way to judge which of any characters are more effective...
This is not about which one is more effective at destroying large crowds of baddies. It is about my comic book daydreaming...

This is about, "Who would win in a fight Serene Servant or AIB?" I am confident that in the match above Serene would triumph but I am certain that there would be some point (given enough buff food) at which AIB would come out on top.

I am thinking IF he could successfully buff (i.e. eclipse and mires) off of 10 enemies every 30 seconds he'd win...

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
The tipping point is a mythical one, there would be no fair fight...
The entire fight is mythical. And it is EPIC too . It's also being waged in the interior of my mind.

Oh, and it need not be a "fair" fight.

The best strategy for the SS to destroy the AIB's buff food before he could benefit. But, IF AIB could successfully buff off of them how many of them would he need and how regularly would he have to buff off of them...

Once again, I'll go with 10 enemies every 30 seconds...

Thanks for entertaining my selfish hypothetical...



As a avid pvper of both my pb and now my shade..

pbs are way better in a one and one scenario against a shade.. their is no contest...

Also i can say since ive beaten a couple.. a all human pb is way better than a triform.. eventhough a triform last long.. it just cant get bast rebirt, essense, and reform.. if you cant dmg me then you are bound to die...

i can give you actual number of my resistance stats of my pb and shade..

Pb: with all the shields light form , and tough plus IO's and accollades and sitting at teir 4 incarnate.
I have 57% sm/lt,
57% cold and fire, and
59% energ/neg..
psi dmg 45% and
toxic 50 outside of essence boost 54 with it.

light form in pvp has a downtime of about 25 sec..
With light form down its about 10% off resistance give or take a point.


i first did it with one target on eclipse.. 41% psi,smsh, ltl, fire, cold. and 47% to enrg/neg, and 35% to toxic..

with 3 eclipse i usually can get up to 47% 51% respectivly it just the matter of the group you do it in.. however in rv its usually just 3

I didnt go with tough on my shade.. but i have friends that do.. i instead went with aidself.. and rebirth.

The thing that makes ws weaker than pbs for a duel is that everything is made for corpse or a actual body.. which is not the case for pbs.. and building for pvp you have to focus on single target powers.. and pbs is just way better in a single target scenario than shades..

So pbs win this one.. sorry shades..

however shades is becoming one of my fav toon to play in pvp.. i usually thought the greatest satisfaction was killing people on my pb.. but killing people on my shade is even better .. i love to hear "no way im going to make a shade beat me"

also a group of shades is deadly in pvp..

We usually run in rv every night .. i know some of you guys just switched to freedom.. you guys should joing us.. its usually a team of 6 like pbs and shades.. the more the merrier .. its funny when people say they hate heats.. so come join us.. !!!!

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Originally Posted by IronAlex View Post
We usually run in rv every night .. i know some of you guys just switched to come join us.. !!!!
I have never been a huge fan of the PvP system in COH. Thanks for the invite though.

Now, if they changed to PvP so that it was more akin to some other games wherein there are numerous small bases that when captured become spawn points for assaulting the next base. Then I'd get sucked in...



I'm with AIB; PvP in this game has never been my strong point. I've never enjoyed it too much on any of my characters besides my Scrapper. Even then, I hate travel powers. It's always hit and run mechanics and ambushes, never a real toe-to-toe battle.

In a game who's name won't be said (but it has orcs and humans), I found it to be far more entertaining simply because pvp was pretty balanced. In CoH, while I'm sure it can be done, I can't play my favorite class in PvP (my 'shade) just because he literally loses more than half of his powers due to them requiring mobs or dead mobs. There are ways around this, I'm sure, but unfortunately 'shade pvp is my least favorite. Besides, epic PvP builds take billions upon billions of influence to make. It's more about the enhancements, less about skill. I would love PvP more in this game if the devs made it to where enhancement's effects were canceled out in pvp and certain powers change (more drastically than the small amount of change they are effected by in a PvP zone).

But that's far too much work for the Devs. I feel that if anyone wants to pvp in this game, roll a VEAT or a Brute/Tanker/Scrapper.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...