RPSG Recruitment Event 3/3/12 5pm Pacific




Steel Phoenix is a hero group looking to recruit mature players interested in light role play. We will be hosting a recruitment event on Saturday, March 3, 2012 at 5pm Pacific (so that those who like to parcipate in the various Saturday events still have the chance to do so afterward).

Those interested in a tour of our facility while it is under construction (although still fully functional) should send a tell to @NovaFang during the event for a group invite so that you may enter.

The overall theme of the supergroup is that it is functionally several smaller supergroups that have joined under the auspice of one financier in order to pool resources and optimize their base of operations. To that end, we welcome heroes of almost any caliber from sidekick to galactic champion.

I look forward to meeting with you at the event.



I will do my best to be there.