SF Soloing Attempt
That sounds really cool. grats to you.
Good luck on your future solo attempts.
Barracuda failed because I forgot that you can't beat Reichsman without using all 4 temp powers which you need 4 players for.
Main characters:
Shalite - Ninjas/Poison Villain Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
The Gore Melody - Necro/Dark Vigilante Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
Technophile Lila - SJ/Fire Hero Brute. Outstanding Farmer.
Actually for Barracuda SF you actually only need the mastermind/defender temp power which removes his untouchable state, the others are mostly for flavor and dealing with the trash mobs that constantly ambush.
Now you tell me? Darn.
Main characters:
Shalite - Ninjas/Poison Villain Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
The Gore Melody - Necro/Dark Vigilante Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
Technophile Lila - SJ/Fire Hero Brute. Outstanding Farmer.
You can also retreat to the tunnels just outside the room once the ambushes start. Reichsman will not leave his room and will teleport back to the machine if he gets too close to the door. As such, you can slowly wipe out the ambushes until they eventually stop, then go back to beating on Bison. Rinse and repeat as necessary until the bag of health falls down for good.
Note: After a bit, the ambushes will stop spawning inside R-Man's room and instead spawn somewhere else on the map. If it seems like the ambushes have stopped, give it a minute or so to see if the spawn point just moved instead. The 5th that spawn will charge your position, regardless of where they spawn (ie, they'll start sneaking up behind you).

Soloed a MoITF already with my Ninjas/Poison MM without using Lore pets. I'm planning to do MoBarracudda next. Anyone want to give me an attempt SF after Barr? Must be villain side and lvl 50. I'm so proud of myself :')
And I'm planning to solo LRSF eventually. Place your bets :P
Main characters:
Shalite - Ninjas/Poison Villain Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
The Gore Melody - Necro/Dark Vigilante Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
Technophile Lila - SJ/Fire Hero Brute. Outstanding Farmer.