Reasons Why I Won't Be Dating Mother Mayhem




Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* Her robots are anatomically correct.

* Her constant insistance that I call her "mommy"...

* Getting "The Silent Treatment" means she turns off your brain's ability to process sound.

* Some people have skeletons in their closet... others have cemetaries.

* "Seers" is just another word for "Snitchers"...

* Pelvic perforations from tight hugs and that lethal belt buckle of hers.

* When it comes to adoption she makes Angelina Jolie look like a child hater.

* There is NO correct answer to "Who's been a bad boy?"

* When you disagree, "Maybe I'll change my mind" is a useless argument... she's already changed it for you.

* She makes Joker look well-adjusted.

* When dating a psychotic psychic the term "getting h**d" can take on sinister meaning.

* (blank expression... monotone voice) There is nothing wrong with dating Mother Mayhem... I love Mother Mayhem... I love her more than my next breath...

* They're all female.... They're all psychics.... You don't think their cycles are all going to synch up at the same time?

* She's like Fatal Attraction... and you're the rabbit.

* She said "No"...

Edit: As an aside... I dare... I DARE... the Devs to change the cut scene to BAF for April Fool's Day... When she sort of crunches in on herself during her monologue I want that spiked belt buckle of hers to perforate one of her implants... I want that sucker to pop out and fly around the room like a punctured balloon... complete with sound effects and Nightstar/Siege watching it whiz around with their heads turning in perfect unison.

I like MoM. I go see her whenever I'm in the mood for some erotic lactation.




** They're all female.... They're all psychics.... You don't think their cycles are all going to synch up at the same time?**

THIS!!!! Is the best damn thing I Have read in sometime lmao, May I use this as My Quote lol

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)