SPOILERS: Speculation based on WWD 6.

Agent White



SPOILER: This thread discusses the end of WWD 6, you've been warned.

Okay, so WWD 6 cutscene shows Manticore killing Sister Psyche.....

Or does it? Manticore initially refuses and then, without comment, shoots her right through the chest. That's all a villain sees of things. Heroes can attempt to talk to Manticore but he is completely unresponsive.

But is SP really dead? Shalice Tilman is well known for having the ability to 'mind ride' in someone elses head. Her praetorian counterpart's body is long 'dead,' but she's still hanging around in Aurora Borealis' body and the takeover in that case was probably not voluntary on Aurora's part (despite the offical propaganda.) Perhaps, seeing that Manticore was unwilling to kill her she took the desperate step of jumping into his head and doing the job herself. Manticore's lack of response at the end might not be simple shock, it could be that the two personalities are still sorting themselves out.

So now Darrin Wade has the powers of both Statesman and Sister Psyche and will need them both for his planned takeover of Rularuu. However, we know from WWD Part 1 that his method of stealing power is not permanent unless the original owner is actually dead. If Sister Psyche is now mind-riding Manticore, is she 'dead enough' to count for the ritual? If not this could be an important key to stopping Wade. Things could go very badly for him if he were to lose his new psychic powers at a key moment.

Note: I'm not saying that any of this definitely happened, this is just speculation. Maybe what we see in the cutscene is nothing more than what it looks like.




Honestly I think it'd be more inventive if Psyche weren't mindriding anyone but tiny fragments of her now existed in all of Paragon's population.