Looking for help, chat problems




Hello all, I'm a returning, Premium F2P player. I understand that there are some limits to chat mode within the game but I can't get my chat to work AT ALL. According to the rewards info I should have access to local and team at least (Tier 3 complete 2/3's tier 4)

This seemed to start during a team mission when, while trying to type something and not lose track of the team, I accidently (I don't know how) closed the default chat window (you know, you start off with two, the global one on top and the chat one right above your command line? that one) After that, none of my chats showed up in my global window or as balloons above my toon.

I looked through the command interface options and everything is enabled or disabled according to the preferences I had entered. Also, I have restored the chat window (left click and drag as the instructions say), but I cannot get a chat balloon to appear and no one seems to see anything I type. Even my SG doesn't see them. I can't interact with anyone to ask for help (there are a LOT of emotes, but YOU try figuring out how to ask these questions using those) and as a premium player my request for support referred me to the forum FAQ's and so forth here. I've tried multiple searches looking for help and haven't found anything really pertinent. (Is it just me or are search engines consistently getting MORE general regardless of how specifically you express the terms?) Anyway, I was hoping that the enthusiastic and well informed player community might have some helpful advice about what to try or where to look for answers.

Thank you for your help.

Watcher37 "It have the eyes"



Open your game and your chat interface and find the word "Tab"
Click on that and then select "New Tab".
Name your Tab.
Start adding from the list to the right...Broadcast, Request, Team, System messages, tells and any global channels you have.
Click "OK".

Your tab will then appear in your chat window and you can left-click/drag to place it where you would like.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes




Thank you so much. That seems to have done the trick. Now I just need to come up with something worthwhile to say.

Or not as the case may be.

Thanks again

Watcher37 - "It have the eyes"