So, Staff fighting. Best archetype and combo? Had not time to beta test...




I been thinking about trying Staff as Brute with /EA or Scrapper with /WP or /SR, but had no time to test.
Anyone can tell their experiences in beta, with sets are better and which secondaries make good synergies?
Thanks in advance!



I have 50 Staff/WP scrapper, 50 Staff/Fire Brute and 38 staff/regen scrapper.

Staff is pretty much AOE heaven with three AOE attacks. It does not do badly on single targets either.

Staff is one primary that can go with any secondary, but the click ones like regen will have to deal with redrawn, not an issue unless redraw is an issue with you.

Just choose a secondary you like and roll with it, best is often in the eye of the beholder. Do your thing.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.