So. . . Enhancement Converters?




Been away a little while and came back about a month ago. Was toying with test before my little sabbatical and loved the enhancement converters. I thought they were coming out with the Super Packs but nothing, and now I cant even find the notes on beta about them.

Have any of the coffee talks or Ustreams mentioned when these might be coming out? I love this idea and have a couple builds I am waiting to put together - especially with ATO's and my luck at having umpteen number of Archanos ATO's and only 2 scrapper ATO's!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Enhancement Converters are purposely not in the Super Packs. They will be available in-game in I22.

Spreadsheet: Enhancement Types
Awesome info ZM! Thanks.

Weren' these supposed to be on the market though? And looking at that spreadsheet it looks like the price would be rather cheap based on Reward Merits at 1+250K? Are you sure that is right?

Well, are you sure it is right based on current beta feedback?



As backup to to Zombie Man's reply, this is an excerpt from the most recent Freedom Friday Q&A:

Tyron Samaroo: Will Enhancement Converters Come out before I22? ( The one that can be used on PvP IOs)

Ben Kent: Enhancement Converters! When might we expect them on live?

City of Heroes: Enhancement Converters will be coming with Issue 22.
Here's a link to the full transcript, there are some other converter questions asked:

Edit: Well, it was really only one other converter question.
