Terrify and Invoke Panic
Terrify is already a mag 3 terrorize, so with domination up you'll already be neutering multiple bosses and everybody else, or all lts. and minions without the domination (permadom is not so hard to get anyway, so you probably should aim for that)...
So I don't see what you gain from using Invoke Panic (and having to pick two other powers from the presence pool, which I personally feel are all pretty wasted with all the crowd control dominators already have). IP is also a PBAoE, so you'd have to use the cone from range and run in to stack the AoE terrorizes... Just go for the domination+Terrify everyone combo and you should be great.
Remember that Terrify has pretty good AoE damage, too. I tend to see it as more of an AoE damage power for builds that lack it (and Whirling Hands is not such stellar AoE damage) which also helps to control than primarily as a hard control power. And slot it accordingly.
Playing CoH with Gestures

Thank you for your answer!
Hmmm... okay, so it's overkill for most content.
But how about Arch Villians? With Domination and Power Boost, you'd get Terrify (Mag 3) + Invoke Panic (Mag 2) + Intimidate (Mag 2) all x 2 for Domination for an unslotted 30 seconds of Mag 14 Fear.
Now, of course, I can't find the post talking about using Fear (and Confuse) against AVs, but I thought they typically didn't have high defense against it.
I think people like confusing AVs because it doesn't cause any aggro while you pile up the mag on them, not because AVs are particularly weak against it. Check out the wiki: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Purple_Triangles and http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Protection. With the PToD up, AVs have the same +50 mez protection mag versus fear and confuse that they have against holds or stuns... Plus whatever they already have while the PtoD are down (which is usually 3, like a boss).
I also think there's some variety among the AVs and some are weaker to one type of mez or another, but I honestly can't remember whether there is a significantly larger number of AVs that are weak versus fear... (AVs do have a sleep hole in their PToD protection, which isn't useful while attacking them, but can be quite nice if you're facing more than one but only want to fight one at a time... And an immob hole, too, which seems to be there just to let controllers set containment...)
My problem with Terrorize is that it DOES let the baddie (or goodie?) attack you... Fine, it's only once every 4 seconds, but some of these guys can hit HARD, and with powers that deal more than 1 tick of damage separately (of which there are quite a few), I think they can actually 1-shot you. So holding/stunning/confusing or even sapping them, if you can, seems more effective than the Fear strategy, even if there is some extra fear in the power pools...
Me... I personally usually don't bother trying to control most EBs/AVs unless it's a really problematic one, and instead just eat however many purples I need to take my relevant defenses to the softcap (usually not many, since after going for permadom I usually go for S/L and/or Ranged def as a build goal) and then just bring down the pain with my assault powers, bringing the foe down that much sooner. It's one of the things I like about Doms: their damage is really nice (even in the rare-ish moments when the controls are not doing that much).
OTOH, Domination+Power Boost+Terrify+Invoke Panic+Intimidate does look like a fun and original strategy for tough targets. If you already have enough recharge for permadom, defenses to help you out while you pile up all this fear until it beats the PToD and to minimize the risk of that attack every 4s, plus enough well-slotted attacks to actually damage the foe, by all means go for that. But I personally wouldn't sacrifice recharge, defense or damage to be able to pull it off. YMMV.
Playing CoH with Gestures

IMO, by themselves both powers are ok powers, and depending on which control set you have, odds are not a huge priority for the reasons mentioned above. one of the other things that make these powers a low priority is the fact you have to pick up a taunt power, which you need as bad as you need a snipe, which raises the cost on the powers. Now if we were able to leap in with the tier 3 power of this power pool, these powers might be more attractive to Doms
I'm working on my Mind Control / Energy Assault Dominator and I'm coming up on Terrify. I'm kind of new to Mind Control, and I'm loving the Power Boost + Domination kick, and I was wondering if it has been used successfully stacking Fears with Terrify + Invoke Panic.
I've only used Invoke Panic on my Kin/Elec Defender--and it worked wonderfully, adding a slight layer of mitigation I sorely needed. And I've read about Dark Armor users combining it with Cloak of Fear.
What say you, gurus? Anyone use this to great effect? Or is it not worth the slotting that Invoke Panic needs? Or is it just overkill?