A Timer on the SSA's
I've wished for this as well. Evidently the system knows how long I have to wait, and for each reward, too, so it's just a matter of exposing this so I can see it.
I have way too many toons to be able to remember who did what when; apparently this is true because even though I thought I'd done a SSA with a toon on a specific day, and waited long enough before repeating, I still didn't get the reward, so a better system might be in order.
I'd also like a counter on my emails, so I know how many empty spots I still have, as opposed to bumping into the barrier inconveniently during use. It could be as simple as numbering the ones in my list, as I can mentally subtract that from the max number.
Speaking of emails and counting ... I'd appreciate it if there was a way to expose the wait period for that and for costume changes. Maybe there could be a special swirly icon or something that stops / disappears when the timer is done and I can send a new email or change to a new costume? I'd much prefer that to clicking and getting the "you must wait 1 more second before" xxx.
Please can we have an actual timer on the SSA's that tells us how long we actually have to wait till we can repeat them instead of the " You do not meet the time constraints for this reward. You can only receive this reward from repeating Signature Story Arcs once every 7 days." blurb.

I can never remember when I've done them, so having something similar to the timer on the Tip/Alignment bars would be good. Either that or just a "You have X amount of days before this Reward can be claimed" X being how many days you have left. I'm getting sick of doing them only to discover right at the end that I've still got to wait an unknown amount of time to get the reward.
Even just a simple "SSA last completed on X" would be helpful.
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