scrapper AT IO's




One thing I'm not grokking is what will happen to set bonuses as I upgrade the enhancements. If someone could explain it would be lovely.



Originally Posted by Resolve View Post
One thing I'm not grokking is what will happen to set bonuses as I upgrade the enhancements. If someone could explain it would be lovely.
The normal and superior ATO sets are two separate sets, so they give separate bonuses. If you have 6 pieces of the normal set slotted in a single power, you'll get the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 piece bonuses.
If you then catalyze one piece, you'll have 5 pieces of the normal set (giving you the 2, 3, 4, and 5 piece bonuses) and one piece of the superior set (giving no set bonuses).
If you catalyze a second piece, you'll have 4 pieces of the normal set (giving you the 2, 3, and 4 piece bonuses) and 2 pieces of the superior set (giving you the 2 piece bonus for the superior set).
If you catalyze a third piece, you'll have 3 pieces of each set, so you'd get the 2 and 3 piece bonuses from the normal set, and the 2 and 3 piece bonuses from the superior set.
Et cetera as you catalyze more pieces. Basically, you can upgrade 3 of the 6 pieces if you want the defense bonus twice. If you want a recharge bonus, you should upgrade 5 pieces, or leave 5 pieces not upgraded - anything between those will not give you either recharge bonus.



That was what I suspected - thank you very much for making it clear.