Archetype Idea




Once again, tell me what you think



Primary: Invocation
Secondary: Buff
Inherent: Synergy
Base HP: 1017.4
Max HP: 1606.4
Primary Sets: 7
Secondary Sets: 10


As an Invoker you conjure the essence of other entities into yourself and temporarily gain their characteristics, powers and abilities. You can call upon the ferocity of a beast or the brilliance of a Celestial to temporarily imbue yourself with their inherent powers. Be careful however because your low HP and abilities when not invoked are minimal and your current invocation only lasts for so long.

The Invokers Power Sets Are:

Survivability: 6
Melee Damage: 5
Ranged Damage: 5
Crowd Control: 2
Support: 3
Pets: 2

Power Sets

Primary Power Sets

An Invokers primary power sets are designed for invoking other beings powers. They are:

-Invoke Beasts
-Invoke Plants
-Invoke Elemental (fire, earth, air, water)**
-Invoke Shadows
-Invoke Artificial Lifeforms
-Invoke Demons*
-Invoke Celestials*

*Demonic/Celestial forms require VIP status or purchase on the Paragon Market

** Elemental Form, player will choose one elemental at character creation and can only invoke that elemental.

A Shifter’s secondary power sets are designed for buffing and debuffing. They are:

Dark Miasma
Force Field
Pain Domination
Sonic Resonance
Storm Summoning
Thermal Radiation
Time Manipulation
Trick Arrow

Inherent Power


Synergy is the inherent ability of an Invoker and it allows them reduce the cost of the endurance needed to remain imbued with an entities powers the longer they remain invoked. The amount of time an Invoker can use invoked powers depends on how much damage they give and receive while invoked. Each time they deal damage they remain invoked just a bit longer while each time they take damage it weakens the invoked connection. Synergy provides a continuous minor buff to the Invokers endurance so long as they remain invoked. This buff increases and decreases proportionally with the damage given and received.

Below is a quick example of one primary Powerset

Invoke Demon

(you gain the abilities of a demon, use the powers from the Summon Demon set)

Level 1- Invoke Demonling- Starts as level 1 Demonling(fiery), when character increases to security level 6 it becomes the level 6 Demonling(cold) and when the character reaches security level 18 it becomes level 18 Demonling(Hellfire).

Level 2- Lash

Level 6- Enchant Self

Level 8- Crack Whip

Level 12- Invoke Demon- starts as level 12 Ember Demon, at level 24 it becomes Hellfire Gargoyle.

Level 18- Hell On Earth (without chance of living hellfire)

Level 26- Invoke Demon Prince- You invoke the powers of a Demon Prince.

Level 32- Abyssal Empowerment (use on self and/or team)


When you become invoked a transparent image of whatever you have invoked is transposed over your toon along with the symbols you call forth displayed on the ground under you to create the invocation.



No criticism or thoughts??



Oh it is for sure, I am just trying different ways to implement the same idea, diff mechanics, themes md what not, whatever works with the game the best but keeps the original idea.