lost my macros and binds,need help for permadom




Some time ago,and by that i mean maybe one year ago,i found a very useful post here on how to make text files wich could be bound to keys in game. That allowed me to costantly alternate between setting domination and hasten on auto with movement keys or the left mouse button,therefore managing to keep permadom up.
Recently i've update my system to windows 7 and had to reinstall the game,somehow in the process i lost the files i made and now the binds doesn't work anymore. I forgot how to make them too,tried to do a search in the forum before asking,but couldn't find the thread anymore.
I'm sure it's a pretty commonly asked question,maybe to the point of boredom,but could you tell me how to do this again? Or please direct me to some useful links if you prefer,that could work too. My thanks in advance for any help in this matter



It was,that's the post i remembered. I looked for it but didn't find it. Many thanks!



I had trouble too. I guess sometimes Google works better than the forum search.