My Latest Order Build...




On the heels of the thread I created about my "build 1," I decided to go ahead and share what I'm working on for "build 3."

Build 2 is my tri-form build, and that one doesn't need any re-working, as far as I'm concerned.

However, for this defense-based Order™ build, I've been trying out a lot of different things, because due to having to specifically build for softcapped defense for AV solo tests and other challenges (and remain a human-only build), there are differences in power choices, recharge bonuses, and slotting.

The first build I tried was so radically different from my *normal* playstyle with Alien that I decided to rebuild it and see if I could get as close to the playstyle/power choices of my Chaos™ build as I could, without sacrificing S/L defense softcap or shields.

As it stands, I'm able to keep a resistance in all categories (except Toxic and Psionic) between 60-70% when hitting Eclipse off of one enemy (most likely while fighting an AV--the specific point of this build). Obviously, finding more "enemy food" while fighting aforementioned AV would be preferrable for capped resists and softcapped defense, but in either case, having that much resists off of one enemy isn't bad.

Also, now that we have "enhancement boosters," I've found that I can up those resists by another 5% or so, which may help as well...

Order™ Build

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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I see you have Cardiac equipped which is problematic because your Eclipse misses perma by ~6 seconds without Agility or Spiritual. I'm worried about your endurance running all those toggles so I see why you went cardiac- Even with that turned on though, you're going to get into trouble running a seamless ST chain without Stygian Circle food while running all of those. I honestly wouldn't worry about running Tough, and I wouldn't slot Absorption up so much- It's an autopower so it doesn't need any endurance reduction. Also, Penumbral Shield is giving you only exotic resists that I wouldn't worry too much about having against hard ST's in most cases. Which brings me to...

I really wish you would just take Dwarf on your softcapped build. If you muled your Kinetic Combats there, you could get better s/l defense bonuses (take the slots from Penumberal/Absorption for an extra Kinetic Combat in a Dwarf power) which would give you more breathing room to work on other stuff.

I don't like the enhancement values for Extraction or Eclipse. You could get the slots to properly enhance these powers by dropping the slots from Ebon Eye- You don't need to slot both Eye and Essence Drain because you can only fit one or the other in your attack chain. On an s/l softcapped build I guess it makes more sense to run the E Drain chain. Those saved slots can help you better enhance fluffies and Eclipse.

Anyways here is probably what I would to to alter this build.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Wow, the resistance values with eclipse against one target isn't that great across the board with that build, and that's WITH Tough running. I was building to have the highest possible resistance in every category (with S/L softcap), so I could test against enemies that do more than just S/L damage. What if the enemy is Infernal? My Fire resists wouldn't be a whole lot against the likes of him... Sure, technically, I could drop into Dwarf form (with that build) if I were in an emergency situation, but that negates the whole point of having a human-only build.

The endurance recovery to usage ratio isn't that much better, and you haven't even hit the defense softcap. You're still short.

I agree with what you said with the Ebon Eye/Essence Drain thing, though... I didn't really think about focusing on just one or the other, and I should have done that.

Other than that, though, that slotting is a completely different direction than I'd go for an Order™ build, but hey... That's what makes Khelds so great--the possible build choices.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



You know, you could call this your Cosmos build for the Chaos/Cosmos contrast.

I see that THB just provided some worthwhile commentary.

Don't really have much to say other than...

The four slottage of brawl, boxing and kick, even if it is just for some S/L set bonuses, makes me cringe.

I am certain that this accomplishes what you designed it to do. However, I am very glad that you have two other builds for the rest of the game.

Oh and do not be be persuaded by THB's attempts to make you go away from your human only purist build.

If you took Dwarf and used it as a set mule you'd not be Human only and you'd not be Biform.

Instead, you'd be BicuriousTM.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Wow, the resistance values with eclipse against one target isn't that great across the board with that build, and that's WITH Tough running. I was building to have the highest possible resistance in every category (with S/L softcap), so I could test against enemies that do more than just S/L damage. What if the enemy is Infernal? My Fire resists wouldn't be a whole lot against the likes of him... Sure, technically, I could drop into Dwarf form (with that build) if I were in an emergency situation, but that negates the whole point of having a human-only build.

The endurance recovery to usage ratio isn't that much better, and you haven't even hit the defense softcap. You're still short.
Well turn incarnates on and equip Agility if it isn't equipped already- It passes 45%. I agree that it would be nice to be able to sustain an ST chain while running the extra resist toggles but it's just not realistic. I think Microcosm said he does this on his main build and I'd be interested to see what he had to get his recovery to in order to sustain his ST output- My experience is that it's generally not practical to do though.

Edit: Actually w/ Agility it's at 44.8% s/l defense which is really exactly the same as 45%, the .2% isn't noticeable, but if you're just OCD you can change the Def/End in Maneuvers to a Def to hit 45% even.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
Oh and do not be be persuaded by THB's attempts to make you go away from your human only purist build.

If you took Dwarf and used it as a set mule you'd not be Human only and you'd not be Biform.

Instead, you'd be BicuriousTM.
Well his main build with lower defense values fits his purist standard, so I figure I should try to convince him to mule Dwarf on his softcapped build- It's just more practical.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post really exactly the same as 45%
Oh noes... we don't want to bring Arcanaville into this section of the forums now!

Next thing you know, you'll be saying 2+2 = 4, which is essentially the same as 5.


Seriously though, thanks for the time you put into putting the build together...


I am OCD, as you well know... XD

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Oh noes... we don't want to bring Arcanaville into this section of the forums now!

Next thing you know, you'll be saying 2+2 = 4, which is essentially the same as 5.


Seriously though, thanks for the time you put into putting the build together...


Well no, I promise there is no practical difference between a .2% difference in defense. Dechs even confirmed this for me once so I know I'm right.

Anyways just in the interest of conversation... I always find that when it comes to building defense without Dwarf, it's most 'comfortable' to get s/l/e/n to 32.5% than softcap s/l. You might like this build, I just made it on the fly and I'm kind of worried about the endurance usage still, but it might be workable. Not expecting you to use it or anything, just posting it for funsies.

Edit: Just made a slight tweak, updating the datachunk
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Well no, I promise there is no practical difference between a .2% difference in defense. Dechs even confirmed this for me once so I know I'm right.

Anyways just in the interest of conversation... I always find that when it comes to building defense without Dwarf, it's most 'comfortable' to get s/l/e/n to 32.5% than softcap s/l. You might like this build, I just made it on the fly and I'm kind of worried about the endurance usage still, but it might be workable. Not expecting you to use it or anything, just posting it for funsies.
Actually, that one looks a little more down my line of thinking... Resistance is nice and even across the board, damage isn't sacrificed, the end recovery to usage has at least a 2 point difference (nice!), and defense values are good...

*Plays with Mids some more*


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Here is my crack at the build. No KB prot is going to really hurt you in the end, and its easy to get, so I threw some in. You have 1 free power choice, I took the intang travel power, but its up to you.

Resistances aren't as high as I'd like, but what can ya do?

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



And for what it's worth, I've been running at 42% SL defense on my WS for the past several months. I don't think you'll notice a missing .2%.



I'm not going to offer critique because I don't believe that is what the OP is looking for. However, I do have one question, how are you mitigating knockback?



Probably Clarion I'd guess. I try to make my builds not rely on incarnates besides alpha, but Clarion works.



Yeah, it's Clarion... If you guys noticed, I specified that I utilize all 3 builds on my character... For lower level content (basically pre-Eclipse, or pre-human-only optimized effectiveness/farming levels), I always change over to my tri-form build, which has built-in KB protection.

So, technically, all 3 builds have built-in KB protection--it's just that 2 of them rely on upper-level KB protection, and the other is built for low-level play.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Yeah, it's Clarion... If you guys noticed, I specified that I utilize all 3 builds on my character... For lower level content (basically pre-Eclipse, or pre-human-only optimized effectiveness/farming levels), I always change over to my tri-form build, which has built-in KB protection.

So, technically, all 3 builds have built-in KB protection--it's just that 2 of them rely on upper-level KB protection, and the other is built for low-level play.

I did not read any of your other threads. Relying on incarnate powers to mitigate KB, check. Simple question, thanks for the simple answer...carry on



Originally Posted by Trip View Post
I did not read any of your other threads. Relying on incarnate powers to mitigate KB, check. Simple question, thanks for the simple answer...carry on
Actually, it was said (in so many words) in the first post of this thread--the fact that this was my 3rd build and that I would be fighting AVs (which implies upper-level content)...sorry I wasn't clearer than that.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Trip View Post
I did not read any of your other threads. Relying on incarnate powers to mitigate KB, check. Simple question, thanks for the simple answer...carry on
You use that word, "relying," as if you think break frees no longer work on builds with Clarion. Clarion is a luxury. Please don't make it out to be a crutch.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You use that word, "relying," as if you think break frees no longer work on builds with Clarion. Clarion is a luxury. Please don't make it out to be a crutch.
You're wrong, relying on break frees when you have an easily perma incarnate power at your disposal to be incorporated as part of your end game build makes very little sense w/regards to Kheldians, most players utilize their incarnate powers to their full potential no matter the AT. I know all to well break frees still work on builds with clarion equipped, but why would you bother unless you were exempted down below mid 40's and don't have excess to dwarf? With that being said, if you don't have access to the incarnate system due to account privileges (it could be considered a luxury in this regard) or you simply don't believe in the incarnate system at all, or want to take a different path and chose something other than clarion for your kheld, by all means fill your inspiration tray with break frees and have a party.
If you are having issues with getting mezzed, break frees can help but it shouldn't be a replacement for decent game play tactics.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Actually, it was said (in so many words) in the first post of this thread--the fact that this was my 3rd build and that I would be fighting AVs (which implies upper-level content)...sorry I wasn't clearer than that.

I see it now, sorry for the confusion. I'm going to go back and follow your other threads as well. Interesting reading and a good perspective on Kheldians.



Ok, after further Mid’s experimenting & build testing, finally succumbing to trying THB’s suggestion to use a bi-form build for set mules, and acquiring a Gladiator’s Armor +Def, I finally came up with a build that I’m happy with.

Two of the main things that I was trying to concentrate on with this build was maintaining a 2-point endurance recovery to usage ratio and including Dark Detonation in the build.

The main reasons for that was that with all my previous builds, I was having major endurance drainage problems (especially against harder enemy groups like Malta, Carnival of Shadows, and Arachnos), and I was going for the single-target damage chain that includes Shadow Blast, Essence Drain, and Gravity Well.

However, I just did NOT like the tradeout of Dark Detonation for Essence Drain, no matter how much I tried working around it (I guess I’m too addicted to AoE damage from my Chaos™ build).

So, I re-worked the build to something that had a really good endurance recovery/usage ratio, traded out Essence Drain for Dark Detonation, and used Black Dwarf for set mules so I could have a few more slots to work with.

Chaos™ Test Build 5

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
*Something important to note is that this build has used +5 enhancement boosters on every enhancement except for the uniques and the 5-slotted purple sets. If the numbers are not showing up for you correctly in Mid’s, this is probably why. You need to click on “Slots/Enhancements,” and then scroll down to “Set all relative levels to,” and click on “+5 Levels” to get the numbers that I am running.*


FYI, I have "Botched Ritual" running on my toon right now (due to the Spring Fling missions), so the numbers displayed aren't exactly correct in that last picture...

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



The defensive totals on this build are insanely good- Softcapped s/l and 32.5 e/n is no joke... The Ebon Eye chain is actually higher DPS than the E Drain chain but only slightly and you lose the heal in your ST output- editing to say that running the E Drain chain is likely to be higher DPS compared to your build running the Eye chain since you don't have a FOTG -res in OD.. Not sure if I would ever drop Drain for Detonation especially since Detonation is a very low damage attack even with ED capped damage and yours is very underslotted.. I would also miss having good enhancement values for fluffy, and your Eclipse misses perma but only by half a second and has no accuracy enhancement.

Anyways those aren't necessarily down sides to the build, just reasons why I wouldn't personally run it. I prefer an "either or" methodology for defense- Either softcapped s/l or 32.5% s/l/e/n (or none of the above like my current build,) but you managed to do both in one build in a sense- The drawbacks are there and I just highlighted them. If you feel like it's working for you though I can't really judge.



Yeah, I'm not sure what issues you've had with Eclipse before, but I've always had so much acc built into my build that not putting an acc in Eclipse has never made a difference at all, and that's with using Eclipse against a mob before hitting Sunless Mire... Maybe we've had completely different experiences there, but I haven't put acc in my Eclipse since using regular IOs in my build before switching to sets...

I've found that no matter how minor the difference, I'd much rather use the Ebon eye ST chain than the Essence Drain ST chain, because the heal is extremely minor, and missing Dark Detonation is so huge to me (especially when fighting hordes of enemies--have you played against the 100-200 Crey in the final mission of the Spring Fling Red Widow tip missions? AWESOME!!)... Yeah, it may not look "awesome" in a ST chain, but against a ton of enemies, it's WORLDS better than Essence Drain. Also, have you checked out the DPS that Boxing has on that build? It's actually higher than most other powers taken there, so I've actually tried working it in to my attack chain whenever enemy numbers diminish.

Eclipse being down for half a second hasn't proved to be a big deal, but me being OCD may cause me to try and fix that somehow, although the only way I see how to do it is lose 1.25% Energy/NE defense and switch Ebon Eye to 5 slotted Decimation and move the extra slot over to Dark Detonation or Dark Extraction... Actually, I may experiment with that a bit, because Decimation takes up my max endurance even higher, which would improve my end recovery/usage ratio even more...


I think this slight modification will be what I go with:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Yeah, I'm not sure what issues you've had with Eclipse before, but I've always had so much acc built into my build that not putting an acc in Eclipse has never made a difference at all, and that's with using Eclipse against a mob before hitting Sunless Mire... Maybe we've had completely different experiences there, but I haven't put acc in my Eclipse since using regular IOs in my build before switching to sets...
The reason why I always like to have accuracy enhancement in Eclipse is those situations where you only have 2-5 targets and you can't afford to not hit any of them. Eclipse isn't autohit so missing is always a possibility.
I've found that no matter how minor the difference, I'd much rather use the Ebon eye ST chain than the Essence Drain ST chain, because the heal is extremely minor,
Well yeah it's not a giant heal and the damage for the power needs to be looked at, but it's still better to run than Ebon Eye in my opinion because when you're fighting a single target it's better to take a constant stream of HP from your ST chain since you'll be less likely to have to kill your Mire food for Stygian Circle. It's a minor heal but it's enough to make a difference in my experience... I ran the eye chain for a while because it freed up a power choice and I wanted to see how much better the DPS was- I didn't notice a difference in the latter and the former turned out to not be worth the tradeoff for me.
and missing Dark Detonation is so huge to me (especially when fighting hordes of enemies--have you played against the 100-200 Crey in the final mission of the Spring Fling Red Widow tip missions? AWESOME!!)... Yeah, it may not look "awesome" in a ST chain, but against a ton of enemies, it's WORLDS better than Essence Drain.
Yeah I would never use Detonation in an ST chain but I agree that the extra AOE is nice to have even though the scatter annoys me. I have both Drain and Detonation on my current build.
Also, have you checked out the DPS that Boxing has on that build? It's actually higher than most other powers taken there, so I've actually tried working it in to my attack chain whenever enemy numbers diminish.
On the build you put in this post, I'm showing boxing at 73.05 damage vs. Eye at 90.84, G Well at 342, and Shadow Blast at 149.1. The DPA is higher on Boxing than Eye but it's not possible to work boxing into a higher DPS chain I don't think. I'm pretty sure someone else brought the idea of working either Boxing or Jump Kick into an ST chain on a Kheldian and we looked at it ultimately finding that they couldn't be worked into better chains because there's no way to benefit from the extra DPA- Total damage becomes more important if you can't fit it into a chain.