Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
Props on this. There are many on this forum that will fail their first run through a trial then refuse to run it again and come here to whine about how horrible it was. It's refreshing to hear not everyone is like that
So, tonight, I played my first attempt at the MoM trial. (Wiped in the final fight because of insufficient anti-mez for the support squadron.) It was fun, and I greatly look forward to taking a second crack at it sometime.
Just as an fyi for the final fight of mom, when you enter the final room have everyone that can pop their lore pets, then have 2 (or more, but you shouldn't need more than 2) people that can pop a t3+ clarion after the pets are summoned. She'll be dead before the 2 clarions go below the mag threshold.
And yes, the resemblance is pretty crazy.
So, tonight, I played my first attempt at the MoM trial. (Wiped in the final fight because of insufficient anti-mez for the support squadron.) It was fun, and I greatly look forward to taking a second crack at it sometime.
But the instant the starting splash screen came up, my jaw dropped. Because, really, the resemblance is stunning, and as someone who lives in the area and is hoping to work in historic preservation, I find myself tickled pink.
"Nyan Nyan, Nyan Nyan, nihao-nyan!"