My Toon. . .
Stay up really late?
What level is she, and what time zone are you in/times are you online? If she's lowish level, there's the choice of parking her there and making the same toon on a different server (same name/sets). There's also the global channels like Union Chat, Union Taskforce, Sals Badgehunters, etc, which is where a lot of recruiting for teams goes on.
As a VIP, you also get a free server transfer per month, so to move her might not cost you any points. It's also entirely possible to solo to 50 without ever teaming, and with Issue 22 you'll be able to progress to Incarnates solo, too. I'm not completely sure I understand what you want to achieve.
Stay up really late?
What level is she, and what time zone are you in/times are you online? If she's lowish level, there's the choice of parking her there and making the same toon on a different server (same name/sets). There's also the global channels like Union Chat, Union Taskforce, Sals Badgehunters, etc, which is where a lot of recruiting for teams goes on. As a VIP, you also get a free server transfer per month, so to move her might not cost you any points. It's also entirely possible to solo to 50 without ever teaming, and with Issue 22 you'll be able to progress to Incarnates solo, too. I'm not completely sure I understand what you want to achieve. |

Solo Incarnate path, via the revamp of Dark Astoria in Issue 22: Death Incarnate, yes.
Most info is from the Player Summit, I believe. If you wanted to find more info, threads on that would be a good place to start. I've heard rumours that it enter's beta testing next week, too.
I am on Union Server and am not in Europe. So I guess this would explain why I am around when it is virtually a ghost town. This is my oldest toon. I tucked her away and she was long forgotten (Arachnos Sword). She's a dual blade/ will power brute. I'm thinking about moving her to Exalted on Friday but am not sure if this is a wise decision because for me that's deletion territory. Of course these two powersets together are nice. I remember when this is the only powerset I liked more than all the others because of its speed. On this account I do not have nor will I be getting Street Justice. I will, however, be getting Staff Fighting (I already have Titan Weapons).
What is the purpose for this post? How can I stay on Union, not misuse my Paragon Points and get enjoyable game play while on my 'Quest' to get to level 50 and maybe go incarnate? I DO NOT want to use AE to achieve this. . .