Is the Titan Weapons costume pack really gone for Christmas?




Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
If I had to guess, I would say that the way it was advertised (if you buy the power set, then you get the weapon skins for free) was how Paragon Studios wanted to sell it. But they couldn't get the tech in the store to work that way, bundling two different items together like that. So they decided to just have the weapons for free whether you bought the pack or not, and figured it wouldn't make much difference either way since most people would get both or neither.
Here's the thing, though - they already have the tech to put things in bundles. That's what Costume Packs are. They're just bundles of separate items bound to the same purchase, it's just that all items happen to be costumes. In fact, that's what things like the Winter Pack are - some costumes, some powers, some emotes, some badges. Why not just launch a Titan Weapons power set and then a separate Titan Weapons++ Pack that included the Titan Weapons powerset AND the Titan Weapons Costume Pack at no additional charge. Then, don't include either the set alone or the pack alone in the store and just sell the Titan Weapons++ Pack for the duration of the promotion, then pull that and put the costume pack and the weapon pack in as separate purchases.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.