



Im going to be lvling this toon very soon and Im just curious as o what the general consensus would be the best overall APP on a hero dom that isnt too concerned with aoe. Ive got toons for that, now Im looking for an interesting shock trooper type(literally!)

I realize /elec would be a somewhat more logical choice since various EM powers do KB but Ive learned to use that to my advantage with years of practice on stormies and ice trollers.

Im leaning at going villain long enough to get scorp shield/pff so I can softcap my s/l defense and not be stuck with ice armor and get a couple extra spots for LotG 7.5s

Im just wanting to maximize survivability since I do a lot of soloing.

If you think ice would still be a better option or if I should look into another pool make your case.

Stonefather - 50 Stone/WP/Soul brute
Sable Affliction - Earth/Dark/Fire Dom
Wild Cipher - Beast/Time MM



I'm a somewhat thematic person, so I'd go with Mu Mastery. Powerboosted powersink seems like it would work well. Also try to fit in vengeance, because that can be powerboosted as well. You can get a healing pet (though I think the godmode is better).



What about soul? Could stack OG with the stuns from your punches. Also if you put stun price in your end drain controls you could get even higher mag. Toss in PB and domination. You'd have access to SD for dmg boost and dark obliterate for some aoe.

I kinda like the idea so much I might roll one myself!

Please buff Ice Control.