So, these are 3 concepts I've been kicking around.
1) Spear fighting. The idea for this is that you have a spear and can do very accurate strikes with it with some stun or knockback. However, the damage isn't quite top tier, but it really shines by letting you do both range and melee attacks. It is also one handed, letting it be paired with shields.
Jab: A quick thrust that does minor damage and a very small knockback.
Stab: A more powerful thrust with moderate damage and a larger knock back.
Thrust: A high damage attack with a large knockback.
Spear Twirl: A PBAoE that knocks every enemy within range back a fair bit with a short stun. This is not effected by Throwing Spears.
Killing Thrust: An extreme damage melee attack that stuns, but a long wind up time. With throwing spears, it becomes an extreme damage ranged attack with a slightly longer aiming (more like a sniper)
Throwing Spears: You switch from normal spears to throwing spears. It applies an accuracy debuff to you and slightly longer animation times, but gives all of the attacks a diffrent animation and range.
Spear Flurry: A high damage flurry of attacks with a small knockback attached to each attack.
Skewer: A high damage cone attack with a very thin cone, that does more damage the more enemies it hits.
2) Rocket Launcher. Somehow, you have acquired a rocket launcher. Need more be said? The set focuses on targeted AoE damage, thought it is quite inaccurate.
Single Shot: You fire a single small rocket. Minor damage and no AoE, but you have to be able to pull one guy without pulling the spawn.
Rocket: You fire a normal rocket. Moderate targeted AoE damage.
Heat Seeking Rocket: A single high damage attack with high accuracy
Air to Surface Missile: A moderate targeted AoE damage attack with an extra damage proc to mobs with +fly.
Rocket Jump: Located high damage AoE with a teleport. You break the laws of physic and by shooting at your feet you can leap up and land in the middle of a group of enemies, taking 10% of your hitpoints in damage yourself.
Lock On: Makes your next few attacks auto hits.
Rocket Platform: A pseudopet that stays in place and blows up anything that comes within its radius.
Barrage: A moderately damaging large cone attack.
Nuke: A literal nuke. It does high damage and leaves a psudopet patch on the ground that debuffs defence of enemies on it.
I know I don't have the most amazing way of putting them, but what do you think?
So, these are 3 concepts I've been kicking around.
1) Spear fighting. The idea for this is that you have a spear and can do very accurate strikes with it with some stun or knockback. However, the damage isn't quite top tier, but it really shines by letting you do both range and melee attacks. It is also one handed, letting it be paired with shields.
Jab: A quick thrust that does minor damage and a very small knockback.
Stab: A more powerful thrust with moderate damage and a larger knock back.
Thrust: A high damage attack with a large knockback.
Spear Twirl: A PBAoE that knocks every enemy within range back a fair bit with a short stun. This is not effected by Throwing Spears.
Killing Thrust: An extreme damage melee attack that stuns, but a long wind up time. With throwing spears, it becomes an extreme damage ranged attack with a slightly longer aiming (more like a sniper)
Throwing Spears: You switch from normal spears to throwing spears. It applies an accuracy debuff to you and slightly longer animation times, but gives all of the attacks a diffrent animation and range.
Spear Flurry: A high damage flurry of attacks with a small knockback attached to each attack.
Skewer: A high damage cone attack with a very thin cone, that does more damage the more enemies it hits.
2) Rocket Launcher. Somehow, you have acquired a rocket launcher. Need more be said? The set focuses on targeted AoE damage, thought it is quite inaccurate.
Single Shot: You fire a single small rocket. Minor damage and no AoE, but you have to be able to pull one guy without pulling the spawn.
Rocket: You fire a normal rocket. Moderate targeted AoE damage.
Heat Seeking Rocket: A single high damage attack with high accuracy
Air to Surface Missile: A moderate targeted AoE damage attack with an extra damage proc to mobs with +fly.
Rocket Jump: Located high damage AoE with a teleport. You break the laws of physic and by shooting at your feet you can leap up and land in the middle of a group of enemies, taking 10% of your hitpoints in damage yourself.
Lock On: Makes your next few attacks auto hits.
Rocket Platform: A pseudopet that stays in place and blows up anything that comes within its radius.
Barrage: A moderately damaging large cone attack.
Nuke: A literal nuke. It does high damage and leaves a psudopet patch on the ground that debuffs defence of enemies on it.
I know I don't have the most amazing way of putting them, but what do you think?
Fun power sets to have?