



I decided to come back to dominator. I picked grav/thorn. after building a AR/TA corr to level 45, redraw seems like nothing. any tips on what to skip and take for sure? I plan on doing the APP of fire for more damage... any input is fine

Magma Boulder: SL 50 Fiery Aura/Stone Melee/Fire Epic -- Virtue



For Grav, skip dimension shift. You can also skip one or two of the following: crush, lift, or propel. With thorns you'll be in close range most of the time, so that may affect your decision on which to keep.

Everything else from Grav I'd pick. GD, GDF, WH, CF, Sing. There's your bread and butter control package. With CF, it's a useful proc mule. You can get 3 dmg procs in there iirc, making it a serviceable AoE dmg power.

For /thorns, the skippable power is trops. It has uses though, so it's not a no-brainer skip. The rest of the set is worth getting. Considering grav gives you a few skippable powers and that fitness is free, you can easily take the other 8 powers. You could probably skip Aim as the thorns attacks each pack a hefty -def so once the first hits the rest will too. You could get enough extra accuracy from set bonuses or go with leadership and tactics to skip Aim without missing it. Also, I'm not a huge fan of Impale. The animation time on that is somewhere between forever and eternity. The immobilize and -fly are nice side effects though and will stack nicely with your controls.

Might be a good idea grabbing leadership for assault anyway. Majority of thorns damage is lethal and highly resisted throughout the game. The amount of toxic is laughable, so don't count on that. The dmg boost with assault will help.

Please buff Ice Control.



I have changed my mind, and went and rerolled a earth/thorn

Magma Boulder: SL 50 Fiery Aura/Stone Melee/Fire Epic -- Virtue



Originally Posted by Sephar View Post
I have changed my mind, and went and rerolled a earth/thorn
Good, I have one myself



Earth/thorn debuffs like nobody's business.

Please buff Ice Control.



Wow, I do like earth/thorn.. it works great

Magma Boulder: SL 50 Fiery Aura/Stone Melee/Fire Epic -- Virtue



Originally Posted by Sephar View Post
Wow, I do like earth/thorn.. it works great
Are you planning to proc him out? You can put lots of dmg procs all over the place. And don't forget the Achilles Heel -resistance.

Please buff Ice Control.



If you need proc suggestions let me know.



yes, proc suggestions and what powers not needed etc and the such would be very helpful

Magma Boulder: SL 50 Fiery Aura/Stone Melee/Fire Epic -- Virtue