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Agent White



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I chose Reactive for my brute mostly because I am a big believer of -Res at the higher levels. Bosses, EBs, AVs, and GMs have ludicrous levels of resistance, and anything that lowers it is a big win in the combat engine numbers game (I remember a rather enlightening player guide from back in the day with a provocative title like, "What 24 Radiation Defenders Can Do That 1000 Blaster Can't", which all centered on the benefits of stacked resistance debuffing over straight damage output/buffs). The fact that Reactive had a fire DOT effect wasn't even a consideration, mostly because I didn't really know about it; I saw the -Res primary effect and stopped reading the power's description any further. I was sold. But I too am someone who likes to build toons based on concept, and I have been going with the fire-based Incarnate powers with the concept that my character is lobbing fire grenades and molotov cocktails and other guerilla warfare type stuff at the enemy.
It's true that -Res usually ends up increasing offense more than raw damage, but in this case the magnitude of -Res is so tiny that the DoT actually is better. Numbercrunching from the scrapper forum showed that on single targets, reactive core only pulls ahead if you do something like >400 DPS (modern top-tier builds do around 250-300 DPS), and falls hopelessly behind when you factor in AoE. Each chance to proc reactive flawless radial is an average of something like 50 fire damage. That's pretty ridiculous when you consider that fully slotted blaster fireball only does like 150 damage.