What I'd like....




So, if we're able to steer the direction of future development....I'd just like to ask for an update (or throw it in the market) of a plethora of new tiles sets AND selectable new power effects.

For example, instead of the chunky block of ice that is ice armor: a slick transparent ice coating that conforms to the character (and you can actually see the player underneath.) It can be made an alternative effect muchlike they did for the sonic blast animation eminating from the mouth or the hand.

I dunno, maybe it's not possible, i'm not much of a tech person....but I'd love these cosmetic changes!

That is all. Thank you.

TL;DR version: Jazz it up!

Mr. True Shot.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.