Warshade Wishlist




There has been a lot of discussion about what Peacebringers need recently, so I wanted to talk about what Warshades need. Everyone else is free to post what they'd like to see also.

1.) Shorter animation times for form shifts. This is something we were already told we would get, and I think it is really needed (especially for Warshades.)

2.) Toggle suppression- Offensive toggles (Inky Aspect, Orbiting Death) should stop working in Dwarf and Nova form, but shouldn't have to be retoggled when switching back to human form. Defensive pool toggles and Shadow Cloak should continue to provide a defense bonus in dwarf form- Human form with provoke is a better tank than dwarf right now.

3.) A taunt aura for Dwarf form, and auto-taunt in all attacks. It has higher HP than most top end human form builds, but that's not enough of an attraction to make it worth using. If it could legitimately tank it would serve a real purpose. This wouldn't make Tanks any more irrelevant than brutes already do.

4.) Gravimetric Snare changed to an AOE immobilize. It would have great synergies with all of the Warshade's powers, and be used for the first time in Warshade history as something more than a "remove from tray" or possible set mule power.

5.) Essence Drain needs a buff desperately. As it stands right now, Ebon Eye, the level 1 blast, does more damage than E Drain, and the heal is too puny and insignificant to be worthwhile- Especially with Stygian Circle and layered stuns. When you look at how awesome Siphon life is by comparison, it just feels insulting.

Anyways, that's my top 5 list. I feel that Warshades would be on an even playing field with everything else in the game (barring the issues with the inherent, which I hate. It serves no real purpose- I think that should be changed so that if anything, all team mates offer status protection... That way I might get some use out of it. Lots of people have better ideas about that though, so I'll leave it alone.)



Removal of knockback from the AoE blast.



Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
Removal of knockback from the AoE blast.

If Gravimetric Snare was an AOE immobilize, that'd be just as good. That way, you had the "option" for knockback. Some people seem to like it for some reason.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If Gravimetric Snare was an AOE immobilize, that'd be just as good. That way, you had the "option" for knockback. Some people seem to like it for some reason.
It'd have to incorporate a rooted effect as well, which they probably wouldn't do.



Power Fixes :

Essence Drain should follow a similar dmg/end/rech/heal stats as Dark Melee Siphon Life.

Same with Sunless Mire and Soul Drain.

Gravimetic Snare - Similar to Tenebreous Tentacles from Dark Blast. (Rather than an AoE, go with a cone)

Unchain Essence needs a damage buff.

AT Fixes :

Warshades (and PB's) desperately need what was done to Dominators/Domination a while ago. Take some of the power from the AT's inherent and put it into their base performance.

Raise the base damage scale to that of an actual damage dealing AT.

Provide human form with a small amount of mez protection. Mag 6 across the 3 resistance toggles will work.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Gravimetic Snare - Similar to Tenebreous Tentacles from Dark Blast. (Rather than an AoE, go with a cone)
Overall agree with what you said (and/or appreciate your reinforcement) but I can't see having to hop out of melee range being a good thing for a Warshade (which is what a cone Immob would entail.)
Unchain Essence needs a damage buff.
I personally think that it should be left alone, IF we get instant form shifts and toggle suppression- Warshade forms would be perfectly balanced in that case, imo.. However, if for some reason the Dev's decided not to do that (which I think would be a bad call) I would think that Unchain needs a good reduction in recharge (footstomp base recharge if we don't get the aforementioned) and Quasar needs to get the "Crashless Nuke" treatment that was speculated and expounded upon in more detail in the Blaster forum.



Everytime i zone/enter a mission,,,,please please please dont make me have to watch and hear the nova form animation,
i play mainly in nova form and its bad enough having to have my screen go purple fuzzy and the big blast sound when i go into nova form,,but after every load screen its a real pain

zildjian defender/emp lvl 50
Dwayne Pipe Warshade lvl 50
2112 fire/ice tank lvl 50
Orson Carte stone/rad troller lvl 50
Dwayne Drop fire/kin troller lvl 50



Originally Posted by Dwayne_Pipe View Post
Everytime i zone/enter a mission,,,,please please please dont make me have to watch and hear the nova form animation,
i play mainly in nova form and its bad enough having to have my screen go purple fuzzy and the big blast sound when i go into nova form,,but after every load screen its a real pain
Sadly I don't think this is possible.

All toggles(maybe all buffs period) essentially "reactivate" on zoning.

You hear hasten fire after zoning. All the leadership toggles play their effects again on zoning (This is quite discordant on SoAs who can have 2 sets of Leadership running at once). Etc. etc..

To do this would probably take a huge rewrite of game systems.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too