Sonic/Poison build?
In /Poison, I'd suggest taking everything except:
Elixir of Life
Poison Trap
In Sonic/, I'd suggest taking everything except:
Dreadful Wail
That said, you may well want to try these powers out, and take them if you like them.
i just started a sonic/poison corr of my own so i'd be interested in what more people have to say about the combo. agree with not taking: *antidote or *elixir of life unles you intend to support a lot. i've never used *poison trap so i wouldnt be sure really how good it is, but ill probably take it as a mule, or for longer fights.
for sonic, i always take all three cones because rapidfire of all three when slotted right is nice and you can finish off with a soft-hold-sleep before you return to you single targeted attacks. i tend to rotate:
single target > debuffs > cones > single target;
heals as needed
*screech is the disorient, right? totes skippable. *dreadful wail, the tier 9 aoe can be useful, but i hardly use it [but my main sonic is /storm which makes casting it crippling for my second set in heated battle], so depending on how you play, you might not need it orr slot it well and use it during tougher battles
but i'd like to know what other folks have to say actually!
Poison Trap just got fixed today - it now works with all enhancements and procs.
Elixir is actually extremely useful I've noticed, even on level 53 incarnate trials. I would skip Antidote - clear mind powers are pretty useless when they are such short duration.
I agree about the rest, although I would have a hard time not taking the nuke for fun.
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not looking for enchancements. Just trying too figure out what powers too take in each set.