Help a lvl 30 PB




After a hiatus of nearly 5 years, I've returned to a very old level 30 PB that has 4 respecs and 60 Tailor Tokens collecting dust. Obviously, he's going to get a respec and I have a 50+++ Brute able to bankroll a fair amount of his IO needs but I simply don't have a clue on how to build the bugger any more.

I've read the latest changes and a perma-light form, human-only build seems like, ultimately, the way to go but getting there is going to take time and Tri-Form up until that point seems to be the general consensus.

I did a quick search but nothing fit my precise criteria.

(And please don't say..."roll a WS" )

P.S. My assumption is that this new Quantum Acceleration is fairly worthless on a PB? Quantum Flight already gives you the protection you would want and it's not like you can fight while having QA up. Also, is there any reason Mids has QA at 1 end/sec cost while Afterburner is at .65 end/sec but otherwise identical? Secondary>Pool Power right?

D3 Bible I6/ED
Bots /FF Guide



Yes and no.

Quantum Flight gives a cycling phasing effect, but it's expensive as hell endurance wise.

I'm not sure why Quantum Acceleration is at 1 end/sec. If it is, it probably shouldn't be if Afterburner is at .65 and has exactly the same benefits and drawbacks.

QA does break the flight speed cap, where Quantum Flight does not. QA is also a useful LotG set mule for the proc.