Mouse pointer adaptations
There was a fairly big thread on this a while back, check this out:
Later in that thread, there were a few different graphics packs people posted to allow you to change the appearance of the mouse pointer for better visibility. You can't do things like pointer trails, but it turns out that it *is* possible to tweak the basic appearance. I'm personally using the pointers given in this post, and it makes the mouse a *lot* easier to see on my big, cluttered high res monitor.
Note that while the tweaks themselves are *not* modifying any game files (you are simply adding extra files to the game's directory in such a way that it uses them instead of the usual ones) and are thus OK, asking how or why this sort of thing works is not allowed according to the devs since such knowledge could be considered 'reverse engineering' and thus be against the EULA.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.
This is what it means to be a tank!
I have reasently been asked by several people, how do I change my mouse so I can see it? So I asked. As of right now there are no ways to change your mouse size or color per developers. I found a little troubling since I work with people with "low vision impairments". I think this would be a fine adaptation to the game that may improve the gameplay and participation for a wider base of players. Just wanted to know what others thought about this?