[Arc: 526734] Even Clowns Need Love (Feedback requested)




Just published this, and tested it out, it all seems to work ok. Of course, I run through as a Brute, so almost anything seems ok!

I'd love to get some feedback on the arc, both difficulty wise and story wise.

Arc Info:

Title: Even Clowns Need Love
ID: 526734
Themes: Magic, Romance
Length: Very Long
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Rescue a kidnapped girl from the Carnies. (40-47, Boss, patrol, captive)
Mission 2: Break a Carnie out of jail before he gets killed. (36-45, Ambush, Boss, Collection)
Mission 3: Seach a tomb in Italy for information on a curse. (5-54, Boss, Collection, Patrol)
Mission 4: Go back in time to find notes on the ritual that created a curse. (30-54, Collection)
Mission 5: Help break the curse. Fend off angry elementals, jealous Carnies, and the Demon of the Mask. (40-54, Ambush, Boss, Collection, Ally)

Synopsis: What happens when a girl with an unusual curse falls in love with a Carnival Strongman with a mind of his own?

The arc can contain Archvillains and Elite Bosses depending on your level.