All Human Warshade




Recently respec'd my Warshade, she's sitting at 37 atm, and probably could use a few far I'm sitting on 56.25% recharge. Also, figured slotting 5 Winter's Gifts (eventually) wouldn't be such a bad idea.

my build atm...(sorry for lack of Mids)

Shadow Bolt - empty default slot
Gravimetric Snare - 5 Decimations
Shadow Blast - 5 Decimations
Sunless Mire - 5 Obliterations
Gravity Well - 5 Crushing Impacts
Essence Drain - 3 Theft of Essence, 2 Focused Smite
Unchain Essence - 5 Positron's Blast
Dark Detonation - 5 Positron's Blast
Dark Extraction - 4 Expedient Reinforcement, 1 Damage IO

Absoroption - KB IO
Gravity Shield - 4 Impervium Armor
Shadow Cloak - LotG 7.5, End Reduction IO
Stygian Circle - 2 Efficacy Adapter
Stygian Return - 1 Doctored Wounds

Health - Miracle unique
Stamina - 2 End Mod IO
Super Speed - Winter's Gift Slow Res
Hasten - 3 Recharge IO
Combat Jumping - LotG 7.5
Tough - 4 Impervium Armor



You'll wanna dedicate some slots to bolt/eye at the earlier levels especially because I doubt you have the recharge to run blast>well>blast>drain yet. You'll also want to slot E Drain primarily as an attack and maybe devote a slot or two to healing if you have them to spare... Stygian Circle tends to be enough of a heal on its' own. There's really not too much point in having/using Grav Snare but if you want it I suggest slotting it as an immobilize.

In terms of the end game, there are two primary things human form Warshades can do better than tri form Shades:

1.) Be more survivable than Nova or Dwarf. You can get your HP up to the high end of Scrapper HP and softcap your smashing/lethal defense with set bonuses.

2.) Do more single target damage than Nova or Dwarf. human form has access to the best single target attacks/chains, and a damage aura to boot.

I could actually add a 3.) better control potential, because they have the option to run Inky Aspect constantly.

The thing is that human form doesn't tend to shine until you throw enough money into it. Without a substantial amount of defense, the main source of which is 5 Kinetic Combat sets and Gladiator's Armor/Steadfast 3% Defense IO's, you won't be much more survivable than a Black Dwarf.

Without the superior enhancement values from purple sets in all of your attacks, and PVP/purple procs offering exotic damage and higher proc chances in your ST chain, your damage output won't be anywhere near what it could be, and you'll be scrounging for recharge without 5 10% global bonuses from purples. Remember, perma eclipse is always your primary goal.

You'll make lots of sacrifices in your build that will probably ultimately do more harm than good in order to reach most of these goals if you don't plan to invest a lot. The good news is that a tri form, MFing Warshade shines on any budget. Did you have any specific reasons for not wanting to use forms?



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
...figured slotting 5 Winter's Gifts (eventually) wouldn't be such a bad idea...
I am pretty sure that Winter's Gifts are unique and as such you may only slot one of them.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
I am pretty sure that Winter's Gifts are unique and as such you may only slot one of them.

Yea, plus on a human only build you'll almost definitely want to pick up the Clarion destiny ability which I'm pretty sure offers slow protection. I have Dwarf on my build for set bonus mules, I slotted a Winter's Gift in Dwarf Step I think cause I had nothing else to put in there, so I figured what the heck.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You'll make lots of sacrifices in your build that will probably ultimately do more harm than good in order to reach most of these goals if you don't plan to invest a lot. The good news is that a tri form, MFing Warshade shines on any budget. Did you have any specific reasons for not wanting to use forms?
wanted to try something different and had a couple billion to throw at it.

Originally Posted by AIB View Post
I am pretty sure that Winter's Gifts are unique and as such you may only slot one of them.