Hiing ally buffs
There is currently no way to do this.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Something I find useful is to use the following command:
/optionset buffsettings 1251076
This hides all toggle powers as well as the auto powers on team members and sets stacking to numeric which helps keep the number of active buffs shown relatively small.
If you want to tweak the settings a bit, add up all the options you want and use that with /optionset Buffsettings command.
1 status window hide auto
2 status window hide toggles
4 status window no blinking
8 status window no stacking
16 status window numeric stacking
32 status hide buff numbers
64 status stop sending buffs
128 --
256 group window hide auto
512 group window hide toggles?
1024 group window no blinking
2048 group window no stacking
4096 group window numeric stacking
8192 group window hide buff numbers
16384 group window stop sending buffs
32768 --
65536 pet window hide auto
131072 pet window hide toggles?
262144 pet window no blink
524288 pet window no stacking
1048576 pet window numeric stacking
2097152 pet window hide buff numbers
4194304 pet window stop sending buffs
Asked the question on the help channel earlier but wasn't able to get an answer. Is there anyway to hide all buffs in the team window except the ones you cast? I know with the AoE changes to buffs its not as important as in the past, but I like to know who has and hasn't gotten buffed but I'm not very good at sorting through the list that goes halfway across the screen.
I've goten rid of auto buff icons, and it has helped a little but was hoping you could go all the way.