3 year vet returning!




Hello all, I'm a three year vet returning after about a year break. I stopped after I got REALLY tired of grinding those End 'Raids' for lack of a better term.

I saw some videos of the new sets and tutorial and I just had to rejoin. Nice to meet everyone again! :P

"If Pro is the opposite of Con, then what is the opposite of Congress?"

Progressman - Level 50 - Energy/Energy Blaster - 500 Badges




Welcome back! I'm probably a 2yr on and off player who just came back. It's all very exciting and shiny and new again :3



Welcome Back! I too am a 3 yet year vet returning after a very long break. Like you, I grew tired of the same old grind every time I played. I read about some of the new content including the Incarnate stuff and decided it was time to bring my scrapper out of retirement. It almost feels like a new game again and trying to catch up with all the content I've missed kind of makes me feel like a complete noob again!

I'm not a child. I can play with dead things if I want to.



Welcome back!

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM