Times when the devs seem to be channeling the players...
Actually, I didn't have to change the spreadsheets toooooo much with Freedom coming through.
Since I was not able to level pact anymore I decided the whole "teaming" concept with my tournament characters was a waste of time. This meant I consolidated all my heroes on one server (Freedom) and all my villains on another (Virtue).
This actually made things MORE fair to all characters involved since I wouldn't have teaming issues any longer so my team-centric characters on less populated servers wouldn't suffer so much. Level playing ground all around.
Another thing that radically changed my current tournament from past ones is the ability to buy more storage space through the Paragon Points. Since I could (and have) beefed up my salvage storage so even my first level characters can hold nearly 100 salvage items, there wasn't any real need to have super group bases for storage purposes. That also decimated the whole "create and store enhancements for future heroes/villains thing" which resulted in severely streamlining my purchasing/enhancement slotting process.
Basically each of my characters now only care about their own slotting needs so everything they can't use immediately and personally gets sold. Which makes things a lot more fair "money"-wise among the characters since the old system had the older characters footing the bill for a lot of the newer character's enhancement needs.
Spreadsheet wise, the only thing that really changed was the complete eradication of the Team Work score. So I didn't so much change everything as just delete certain specific areas of the spreadsheet.
It basically took longer to explain it here than it did to actually make the changes.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing, Steelclaw.
It sounds like the biggest change is you have more time to play characters individually instead of having to cross-purpose them for buffs (enhancements, salvage, etc) and leveling pacts.
Hope you have fun with your current tournament!
Crosscut: "I just want my toy back. He's my favoritest toy ever, and I don't want to start a new game until I'm finished playing with him. I promise, it won't take long..."
Hmmm, what does that remind me of?
Oh, I know! It reminds me of Steelclaw and his Tournament. Boy, was he upset when he couldn't play his game with Level Pacts any more.
Steelclaw, just how much did you have to change your spreadsheets because of CoH Freedom, anyway?
Anyone else come across a NPC that made you think about a specific player?